Author: Nicole Sands

Deliverance ministry refers to the practice of casting out demons or evil spirits from a person in order to set them free from demonic influence and possession. Those involved in deliverance ministry believe that Christians can be possessed or influenced by demonic spirits that need to be cast out through deliverance. The practice of casting out demons is seen throughout the New Testament, leading many Christians to believe that deliverance ministry is biblical and valid for today. Accounts of Jesus and the apostles casting out demons There are numerous accounts in the New Testament of Jesus casting out demons from…

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The phrase “run the race set before us” comes from Hebrews 12:1 in the Bible, which says: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” This verse uses the metaphor of a running race to encourage Christians in their faith. Here are 9000 words explaining what it means to “run the race set before us”: The Christian life is compared to a race multiple times in the New Testament. In…

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The Bible speaks extensively about life and its meaning from a spiritual perspective. At the most fundamental level, the biblical definition of life centers around the concept that human life is a gift from God, the Creator. This is expressed right at the beginning of the Bible in Genesis when God forms Adam from the dust of the ground and breathes into him the “breath of life” (Genesis 2:7). Life originates from God and belongs to God. As the psalmist declares, “For with you is the fountain of life” (Psalm 36:9). From a biblical perspective, human life is unique and…

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How was the gospel preserved during the Middle Ages? The Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval period, lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. This was a time of great upheaval in Europe, as the Roman Empire collapsed and new kingdoms were formed. Yet even amidst this turmoil, God preserved His Word and the message of the gospel. Here are some of the key ways the gospel was preserved during the Middle Ages: 1. Monasticism Monasteries became centers of learning during the Middle Ages, meticulously copying Scripture by hand. Monks saw it as their sacred duty to preserve…

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The Five Percenters, also known as the Five Percent Nation or the Nation of Gods and Earths, are a movement within hip hop culture that was founded in 1964 in Harlem, New York by Clarence 13X after he left the Nation of Islam. The Five Percenters have distinctive beliefs and practices that differ significantly from mainstream Islam. The name Five Percenters comes from the teaching that 10% of the people of the world know the truth and are determined to keep 85% of the world ignorant and under their controlling thumb. The remaining 5% are those who know the truth…

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Walking by the Spirit is a concept that comes from Galatians 5:16, which says “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” This verse introduces an important principle for Christian living – that we are to live our lives following the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit rather than living according to our own sinful nature. To understand what it means to “walk by the Spirit”, we first need to understand the contrast Paul is making in Galatians 5 between the flesh and the Spirit. The “flesh” here refers to…

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The book of Revelation contains rich symbolism and imagery that has sparked much discussion and debate over the centuries. One particular vision features seven stars that have intrigued Bible scholars and readers for ages. Let’s explore what the seven stars likely represent according to context and Bible commentaries. The vision with the seven stars is found in Revelation 1:16, 20. The apostle John sees a vision of the risen Christ, whose face shines “like the sun shining in full strength” (v.16). Christ is described as having seven stars in his right hand. Later in v.20, Christ explains the meaning of…

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According to the Bible, Jesus Christ came to earth with a very specific mission and purpose. Here is an overview of the key aspects of Jesus’ mission as described in Scripture: To Save Sinners One of the clearest statements on Jesus’ mission is found in 1 Timothy 1:15: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” Throughout His ministry, Jesus reached out to those considered outcasts and sinners by the religious establishment of the day (Luke 5:30-32). He spent time with tax collectors, prostitutes, and other marginalized people. His message of grace, forgiveness, and salvation was directed at all…

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According to the Bible, achieving a proper work/life balance involves dedicating time to God, family, work, and rest. Here’s a 9000 word exploration of what the Bible teaches on this topic: Honoring the Sabbath The Bible teaches that we should set aside one day a week for rest and worship. This is modeled after God’s pattern of creation – working for six days and resting on the seventh (Exodus 20:8-11). Observing the Sabbath demonstrates that God is Lord over our time and recognizes our need for spiritual and physical renewal (Mark 2:27). Setting this day apart forces us to evaluate…

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Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus Christ is “upholding the universe by the word of his power.” This is a profound statement about Christ’s role in creation and His ongoing sovereignty over it. To uphold something means to maintain, sustain, or keep from falling. So this verse teaches that Jesus actively keeps the entirety of creation functioning and existing through His divine power. There are several important implications we can draw from this verse about Jesus’ relationship to creation and what it means that He upholds it by His word: Jesus is divine The fact that Jesus upholds “all things” implies…

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