Author: Nicole Sands

The Greek word apostello (ἀποστέλλω) is a key term in the New Testament, and has important theological significance. Here is an overview of the meaning and usage of apostello in the Bible. Literal Meaning Apostello comes from the Greek root words apo, meaning “from” or “away,” and stello, meaning “to send.” So literally, apostello means “to send away” or “to send forth.” It denotes the act of sending someone for a particular purpose. The verb apostello occurs over 130 times in the New Testament. It is translated into English in various ways, including “to send,” “to send out,” “to send…

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The Bible has a lot to say about the topic of gray hair and aging. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical themes and passages related to gray hair: Gray hair as a sign of wisdom and honor Several verses associate gray hair with wisdom, respect, and advanced age. Gray hair is seen as a crown of splendor and honor: “The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old.” (Proverbs 20:29) “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16:31) “Stand up in…

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The “little horn” is a key figure that appears in the apocalyptic visions of the Old Testament book of Daniel. This prophetic symbol is depicted as a ruler who rises to power during a time of great turmoil and upheaval, often associated with the end times. The little horn features prominently in two visions recorded in Daniel 7 and 8. In Daniel 7, Daniel records a vision of four beasts representing four kingdoms that would arise. After these, a fourth beast with ten horns appears, representing a fourth kingdom. As Daniel watches, another “little horn” arises and uproots three of…

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Prayer is communication with God. It is talking to God and listening to Him. Prayer allows us to connect with our Creator and have a personal relationship with Him. The Bible has a lot to say about prayer and teaches us how to pray effectively. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical principles about prayer: Prayer is Commanded The Bible makes it clear that prayer is not optional for the believer. We are commanded to pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to “pray without ceasing.” Luke 18:1 says we “ought always to pray.” God wants us to come…

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The scepter of God is an important symbol that appears several times throughout the Bible. A scepter was a staff or rod that served as a symbol of royal authority and power in the ancient world. Kings would hold scepters as they sat on their thrones, representing their right to rule. The Bible uses the scepter metaphorically when referring to God’s ultimate authority and sovereignty over all creation. There are several key passages in Scripture that mention God’s scepter: Numbers 24:17 – This prophecy refers to a “star” and “scepter” that will rise out of Jacob, indicating a future kingly…

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The question of whether Christ has two natures is an important theological issue that has been debated throughout church history. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully human. He has both a divine nature and a human nature. This biblical teaching is known as the hypostatic union – the union of Christ’s human and divine natures in one person. Here is an explanation of what the Bible teaches about Christ’s two natures: Christ’s Divine Nature The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ is fully God. There are many verses that affirm Christ’s divinity. For example:…

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The question “Where is God?” is one that has been asked by humankind throughout the ages. Though God’s full nature is beyond our comprehension, the Bible provides some clues as to His location and presence in our world. God is Everywhere One of the most repeated themes in Scripture is that God is omnipresent – meaning He is everywhere at once (Psalm 139:7-12, Jeremiah 23:23-24). As creator of the universe, God is not limited by time or space, and His presence continuously upholds all of creation. He is present in the highest heavens and in the deepest valleys. There is…

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Amnesty International is a global human rights organization focused on conducting research and taking action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights. Founded in London in 1961, Amnesty draws attention to human rights abuses and campaigns for compliance with international laws and standards. It works to mobilize public opinion to generate pressure on governments to end abuse. The organization has over 10 million members and supporters worldwide. Some key facts about Amnesty International: – Amnesty has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the African Commission on Human and…

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This is a fascinating question that many have wondered about over the centuries. The Nephilim were mysterious giants mentioned in the Old Testament, and some believe their disembodied spirits became the demons we read about in the New Testament. Let’s dive into what the Bible has to say about the Nephilim, demons, and any possible connections between the two. Who Were the Nephilim? The Nephilim first appear by name in Genesis 6:4: “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were…

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Knowing what pleases God begins with having a relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ. When we become children of God through faith in Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit who guides us into truth and convicts us of sin (John 16:13, John 16:8). As we read God’s Word, the Bible, we learn what pleases God and what does not. We also learn to tune our hearts to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit within us. Here are some key principles from Scripture about discerning and doing what pleases God: 1. Obeying God’s moral commands pleases Him God…

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