Author: Nicole Sands

The phrase “hosanna in the highest” appears in the New Testament gospels during the account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. It is found in Matthew 21:9, Mark 11:10, and John 12:13. The word “hosanna” comes from Hebrew and means “save now” or “save, we pray.” It was originally used as an appeal or shout for deliverance. Over time it became associated with Messianic praise and hope. When Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, the crowds welcomed him by shouting “Hosanna!” and covering his path with their cloaks and palm branches (John 12:13). By adding the…

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Who are the Alawites, and what do they believe? The Alawites, also known as Nusayris, are a sect of Shia Islam prominent in Syria. There are about 2.6 million Alawites worldwide, with most living in Syria. The Alawites get their name from Ali, Prophet Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law. However, their beliefs differ significantly from mainstream Islam. Here is an overview of Alawite history, beliefs, and practices based on the Bible: History of the Alawites The origin of the Alawites is unclear. According to some sources, Alawites are descended from followers of the eleventh Shia Imam, Hassan al-Askari. Others believe they…

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Here is a 9000 word article titled “Questions about Lamentations”: The Book of Lamentations is one of the most unique books in the Bible. It contains a series of lament poems mourning the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 586 BC at the hands of the Babylonians. The book depicts the sorrow and pain of the people as they come to grips with this national tragedy. There are many questions people have about this short but powerful book. In this article, we will explore some of the most common questions asked about Lamentations: What is the setting and context…

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This is a common question that many Christians have wondered about. What does the Bible say about Satan’s abilities to read our minds and know our private thoughts? Let’s explore what scripture reveals about this topic. First, it’s important to understand that only God Himself possesses the ability to fully know our thoughts and intents of the heart. The Bible says “O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar” (Psalm 139:1-2). David makes it clear that only the Lord can fully know…

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The book of Psalms is one of the most beloved books in the Bible. Containing 150 songs, laments, and praises, the Psalms cover a wide range of human emotions and experiences. Here are some common questions people have about the book of Psalms: What are the Psalms? The Psalms are a collection of poems, hymns, and prayers that express the religious feelings of Jews throughout history. They were originally sung or chanted during temple worship and private devotion. The Psalms include joyful songs of praise and thanksgiving to God, sad songs of lament and repentance for sin, meditations on God’s…

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The prayer of salvation, also known as the sinner’s prayer or salvation prayer, is a prayer that Christians pray when they want to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and be saved. It is a prayer acknowledging one’s sinfulness, accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and inviting Him into one’s heart and life. While there is no one specific prayer or set of words required for salvation, this prayer expresses the desire to repent of sin, trust in Christ alone for salvation, and follow Him as Lord. Here is an overview of the biblical basis and key elements of…

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The fall of Satan, also known as Lucifer, is one of the most intriguing events described in the Bible. Though not explicitly detailed, Scripture provides some key insights into how, why, and when this cosmic rebellion took place. Here is an examination of this monumental occurrence according to the Bible. Who is Satan? Before analyzing Satan’s fall, it is important to understand who he is. Several passages refer to Satan under different names and titles: Satan – meaning “adversary” (1 Peter 5:8) Devil – meaning “accuser” or “slanderer” (Revelation 12:9) Lucifer – meaning “morning star” (Isaiah 14:12) Prince of this…

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The question of whether more angels could sin in the future is an interesting one that the Bible does not provide a definitive answer to. However, looking at what the Bible does say about the nature of angels, the original fall of some angels, and God’s plans for the future can give us some perspective on this question. The Nature of Angels Angels were created by God as spiritual beings whose purpose is to serve Him. They were created holy and without sin (Luke 9:26). However, they were also created with free will, just as humans were. This allowed some…

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The Greek word kairos refers to a special, opportune, or appointed time. In the New Testament, kairos conveys the sense of the “right time” or “opportune time” for something to happen. Understanding the meaning and significance of kairos can provide insight into several key biblical themes. The Definition and Usage of Kairos in the Bible In ancient Greek, kairos referred to a time when conditions were right for the accomplishment of a crucial action – the opportune and decisive moment. The Greeks also contrasted kairos with chronos, which refers to chronological or sequential time. Kairos is qualitative, meaning it focuses…

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The Bible does not provide a complete or definitive description of what angels look like, but it does offer some clues. Here is an overview of biblical evidence on the appearance of angels: Human-like appearance Angels are often described as looking like humans. For example: Genesis 18-19 describes angels who visit Abraham and Lot in the form of men. In Matthew 28:3, the angel at Jesus’ tomb is described as having a appearance “like lightning” and clothing “white as snow.” This suggests a human-like form. Hebrews 13:2 instructs believers to show hospitality to strangers, because some have entertained angels unawares.…

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