Author: Nicole Sands

How much of a role should media have in worship services? The Bible does not provide explicit instructions on the use of media in worship services. However, based on broader biblical principles, wisdom can be applied regarding appropriate use of media in corporate worship. There are a few key considerations when evaluating the role media should play: 1. Media should not distract from or replace key elements of worship: The primary purposes of corporate worship gatherings are to glorify God, edify believers, and proclaim the gospel (1 Corinthians 10:31, 14:26, Matthew 28:19-20). Any media use should supplement these aims, not…

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The Bible does not explicitly mention the words “satire” or “sarcasm”, but it does contain principles that relate to these concepts. Satire is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices. Sarcasm is the use of remarks that mean the opposite of what they say, typically in order to insult someone or give an ironic effect. Here is an overview of some relevant biblical principles: The Power of the Tongue The Bible has a lot to say about the power of our words and warns against using them destructively. For example: “The…

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The issue of religious iconography and idolatry is a complex one that has been debated for centuries among Christians. At its core, idolatry refers to the worship of idols or images as gods. The key question is whether the use of religious images, statues, and icons constitutes idolatry and is prohibited by God, or whether it can serve as a helpful aid in worshiping the one true God. On one side of the debate are those who see any use of images or icons in religious contexts as idolatry. They point to the second of the Ten Commandments given to…

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The Amish are a Christian religious group that originated in 16th century Europe. They are known for simple living, plain dress, and a reluctance to adopt many modern conveniences. The Amish live in small communities and continue to follow many traditional practices. Here is an overview of their history, beliefs, and way of life according to the Bible. History of the Amish The Amish trace their origins to the Anabaptist movement of the Protestant Reformation in 16th century Europe. The early Anabaptists rejected infant baptism and emphasized adult baptism upon confession of faith. They also advocated separation of church and…

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The Feast of Purim is a joyous Jewish holiday that celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from destruction in the ancient Persian Empire. The story behind the feast is told in the Book of Esther in the Bible. Here is an overview of this meaningful biblical festival: The Story Behind Purim The setting for the story behind Purim is Susa, the capital of Persia, in the 4th century BCE. There is a large Jewish community living under Persian rule. Haman, the prime minister of King Ahasuerus, harbors intense hatred for the Jews and plots to have them all killed…

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Can a Christian Lose Salvation? The question of whether a Christian can lose their salvation is one that has been debated for centuries. There are sincere believers on both sides of this issue, each with biblical reasons for their position. Looking at what the Bible says as a whole, here is an overview of the key points regarding this important question: Definition of Salvation To understand if salvation can be lost, we first need to understand what salvation means according to the Bible. Salvation refers to deliverance from sin and its consequences. Through faith in Jesus Christ, a person is…

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Logic is an important part of how Christians should think and reason about God, the Bible, and life in general. The Bible itself presents truths and arguments in a logical way, so logic is a tool given by God that Christians should use wisely. At the same time, Christians recognize that God’s ways are higher than ours, so human logic has limits compared to the infinite mind of God (Isaiah 55:8-9). Overall, Christians should value logic as a gift from God but also rely on faith and God’s revelation to understand spiritual truths that go beyond mere human reasoning. The…

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There are a few key reasons why there has historically been animosity between Christians and Muslims: Different Beliefs About Jesus One major source of tension is the different beliefs Christians and Muslims hold about Jesus. Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, divine, and part of the Trinity (Matthew 3:17, John 10:30). Muslims view Jesus as a prophet, but not divine, and reject the Trinity (Quran 4:171, 5:116). These fundamentally opposed views about who Jesus is and his role have been a divider. Competition Over Land and Power In the Middle Ages, Christians and Muslims fought over control of…

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The hypostatic union is a core Christian doctrine that refers to the union of Jesus Christ’s humanity and divinity in one hypostasis, or individual existence. The word “hypostasis” comes from the Greek word hypostasis, meaning “substance” or “essence.” According to this doctrine, Jesus Christ possesses two natures – human and divine – hypostatically united in one person. Jesus is both truly God and truly man. This union of the divine and human natures is permanent and without confusion, meaning the two natures remain distinct and unmixed, yet exist in perfect union in the one person of Jesus Christ. The hypostatic…

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God inhabiting the praise of His people is a profound concept found in Psalm 22:3, which states “Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” This verse points to an important spiritual truth – that God manifests His presence in a special way when His people praise Him. But what exactly does it mean for God to “inhabit” praise, and why does He choose to make His dwelling in the praises of His people? The Meaning of “Inhabit” To inhabit something means to live or dwell in it. The Hebrew word translated “inhabit” in Psalm 22:3 is yashab,…

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