Author: Nicole Sands

Beulah Land is a biblical concept referring to the Promised Land of Israel or to Heaven. The term comes from Isaiah 62:4 which says “You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed Desolate, but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her, and your land Married; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married.” The Hebrew word translated as “Married” is “Beulah.” So Beulah Land refers to the land of Israel after its restoration and redemption. It’s a land “married” or joined to God, expressing the intimate relationship…

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Fornication and adultery are two sins that the Bible clearly condemns. However, there is sometimes confusion about what exactly constitutes fornication versus adultery. At a basic level, fornication is sexual intercourse between two unmarried people, while adultery involves at least one married party. However, there are some nuances to each term that are important to understand. This article will provide an in-depth look at fornication and adultery, including Biblical definitions, explanations, and key differences between the two. Definition of Fornication The word “fornication” comes from the Greek word “porneia,” which refers to any sexual intercourse outside of the marriage relationship.…

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Fear and faith are two opposing forces that impact how we live our lives. Fear immobilizes us and leads us into bondage, while faith empowers us and sets us free. The Bible has a lot to say about both fear and faith and provides insight into how we can move from fear to faith. The Prevalence of Fear Fear is a universal human experience. We all deal with fear in various forms throughout our lives. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of what others think, and fear of death are just some examples. Fear is often rooted in…

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The Bible is the holy and inspired word of God. For Christians, it serves as a guidebook for life and a source of truth and wisdom. Some believers like to highlight or write notes in their Bibles as they study in order to better understand the text, mark important passages, or apply the teachings to their lives. However, others feel this is disrespectful or could be distracting. What does the Bible say about whether it is right or wrong to highlight and write in one’s Bible? There are no direct verses in the Bible that explicitly prohibit or permit highlighting…

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The Bible contains many stories and verses that illustrate God’s unfailing, steadfast love for His people. Here are some key examples of God’s faithful, enduring love found in Scripture: 1. God’s love for Israel Throughout the Old Testament, God repeatedly expresses His unwavering love and commitment to the nation of Israel. For example: “The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” (Jeremiah 31:3) “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.” (Hosea 11:1) Despite Israel’s frequent…

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Does salvation affect more than just the afterlife? Introduction Salvation is a central theme in Christianity that refers to being saved from sin and its consequences and brought into right relationship with God. The Bible teaches that salvation profoundly impacts people in the here and now, not just in the afterlife. This 9000 word article will examine what the Bible says about how salvation changes people’s lives today. The Nature of Salvation In the Bible, salvation refers to deliverance from danger or distress. More specifically, it means being saved from the power and penalty of sin through faith in Jesus…

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Pandeism is the theological belief that God created the universe, but then became the universe. The word “pandeism” comes from the Greek roots “pan” meaning all, and “deism” meaning God or divinity. So pandeism proposes that God is equal to the universe, that all of existence is God. The Bible does not explicitly mention pandeism by name, as the concept arose in more recent centuries. However, the Bible has much to say about the nature and character of God that seems incompatible with pandeism. Here are some key biblical teachings that challenge pandeism: God is Separate from His Creation The…

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Psalm 151 is an additional psalm found in some editions of the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament). It is considered apocryphal and was removed from most Bibles and is no longer considered part of the biblical canon. Here is what the Bible has to say about Psalm 151: Psalm 151 is relatively short, only consisting of 5 verses. It emphasizes the humble origins of David and his anointing by Samuel. The psalm states that David was the youngest of his brothers and was a shepherd tending the flock. It mentions that while tending the flock, David slew…

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The Bible indicates that there are different types of demonic spirits. While the Bible does not provide an exhaustive list or taxonomy of demons, it does describe some of their attributes, abilities, and behaviors that allow us to categorize them into different types. The Devil/Satan The most well-known demonic figure in the Bible is Satan, also referred to as the Devil. He is described as the chief enemy of God and humans (1 Peter 5:8). Satan incites evil, rebellion, and temptation in humans (Genesis 3; Matthew 4:1-11). Other names and descriptions applied to Satan in the Bible include: The serpent…

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The phrase “east of Eden” refers to a biblical concept about living outside of God’s presence and blessing. It comes from the story of Adam and Eve being exiled from the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3 after they sinned against God. Eve’s name literally means “life” or “living”, and Eden represents paradise, so being east of Eden indicates a separation from the source of life and an existence apart from God’s provision and care. At its core, living “east of Eden” means living in a fallen world marked by hardship, pain, and death rather than the idyllic existence humanity…

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