Author: Nicole Sands

In Ephesians 6:14, Paul instructs believers to “stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth.” This verse is part of a larger passage describing the armor of God that Christians are to “put on” to protect themselves spiritually. The belt of truth is an essential piece of this armor that holds everything else in place. In Paul’s day, Roman soldiers wore a thick leather belt around their waist to gird and protect them in battle. The belt held the soldier’s sword and kept the rest of his armor secure. Similarly, the belt of truth holds our Christian integrity together…

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Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, as Christians we are called to exhibit self-control and not let our anger cause us to sin (Ephesians 4:26). So how do we know when our anger is justified and when it crosses the line into sinful rage or bitterness? The Bible provides some clear principles for evaluating if our anger is righteous indignation – an appropriate response to injustice or wrongdoing – or simply an uncontrolled outburst of emotion. Examine the trigger First, look carefully at what exactly is triggering your anger. Is it an…

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Apostasy refers to the abandonment or renunciation of one’s religious faith. In Christianity, apostasy is the rejection of the teachings of Jesus Christ by someone who formerly was a Christian. The Bible warns against apostasy and gives guidance on how to recognize it. Definitions of Apostasy The Greek word apostasia means “defection” or “revolt.” An apostate is someone who forsakes or abandons their religious beliefs. The Bible uses the term to describe those who have turned away from following God (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Apostasy can involve a rejection of core doctrines of the faith or a overall falling away from…

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The prayers of the saints mentioned in Revelation 5:8 refer to the petitions and intercessions of believers in Christ that are represented by incense offered to God in heaven. This verse comes within the context of John’s vision of the scroll with seven seals that only the Lamb (Jesus Christ) is worthy to open. The Setting of Revelation 5:8 In Revelation 4, John has a vision of the throne room of heaven with God seated on the throne. Around the throne are 24 elders and four living creatures who worship God continually (Revelation 4:8-11). In Revelation 5, John then sees…

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Essentialism in philosophy is the view that objects, people, and ideas have essential properties that make them what they are. An essential property is one that an object or being must have to exist and function as that object or being. Essentialism seeks to identify the core, unchanging essence of things. This idea originated in ancient Greek philosophy and was influential through the medieval and modern eras. The essence of something is contrasted with its accidents – properties that are not fundamental to it. For example, a chair may be brown, have four legs, be made of wood, etc. But…

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Is Baptism Required Before a Person Can Receive Communion? The question of whether baptism is required before receiving communion is an important one for many Christians. There are differing perspectives on this issue within the broader Christian tradition. In this article, we will survey what the Bible teaches about baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the relationship between the two. What is Baptism? In the Bible, baptism is consistently presented as an act of obedience and public identification with Jesus Christ and the Christian community. Jesus himself was baptized, setting an example for his followers (Matthew 3:13-17). After his resurrection, Jesus…

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To accept Jesus as your personal Savior means you believe that He is the Son of God who died on the cross for your sins and rose again, and you have decided to trust in Him alone for salvation. Here is a more detailed explanation of what this means: Recognizing You Are a Sinner The first step is to recognize that you are a sinner in need of salvation. The Bible teaches that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). We have all disobeyed God’s perfect, holy standards either in our actions, thoughts, or…

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Competition is a complex topic that the Bible addresses from several angles. At a basic level, the Bible recognizes that people naturally compare themselves to others and often feel competitive. However, Scripture generally takes a nuanced stance, neither promoting cutthroat competition nor prohibiting reasonable contests. Key principles emerge: competition should be limited, conducted fairly, and motivated by service rather than selfish ambition. Ultimately, believers are called to find identity in Christ rather than achievements. Several biblical passages acknowledge the human tendency toward competition. Ecclesiastes 4:4 states that “all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s envy of another.” The…

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Hyper-Calvinism refers to a theological position that is more rigid and extreme than traditional Calvinism. It emphasizes God’s sovereignty and predestination to the exclusion of human responsibility and the free offer of the gospel. Here is a more detailed overview of hyper-Calvinism and an analysis of whether it aligns with Scripture. Beliefs of Hyper-Calvinism Hyper-Calvinists hold to five key beliefs that set them apart from mainstream Calvinists: Double predestination – They believe God actively predestines some people to damnation, not just passively leaves them in their fallen state. Limited atonement – Christ’s atoning death on the cross was only for…

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The principle of sowing and reaping is a key biblical concept that appears throughout Scripture. In essence, it means that our actions have consequences – both positive and negative. What we sow is what we reap. If we sow good seeds, we will reap a good harvest. But if we sow bad seeds, we will reap destruction. Old Testament Teachings on Sowing and Reaping The concept of sowing and reaping originates in the Old Testament. In Genesis 1:11-12, God created plants that bore seed according to their kind. This principle is embedded into the very fabric of creation – what…

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