Author: Richard Curi

Elisha was a prophet in the Old Testament of the Bible. He first appears in 1 Kings 19, when he is called to follow the prophet Elijah and become his servant. Elisha went on to succeed Elijah after he was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2). Elisha performed many miracles and prophesied during a time of political turmoil in Israel and Judah. Here is an overview of Elisha’s life and ministry as recorded in the Bible: Elisha’s Background The Bible doesn’t provide much background information about Elisha prior to his call to become a prophet. He…

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Elijah was one of the most important prophets in the Old Testament. He lived during the reigns of the Israelite kings Ahab and Ahaziah, who ruled the northern kingdom of Israel. Elijah’s story is told in 1 Kings chapters 17-22 and 2 Kings chapters 1-2. Elijah first appears in 1 Kings 17, where he suddenly confronts king Ahab and declares that there will be no rain or dew for the next few years except at Elijah’s word. This was God’s judgment against Ahab for promoting the worship of the false god Baal. After this confrontation, God sends Elijah to hide…

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Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD) is a term that was coined by Christian sociologists to describe the religious beliefs held by many American teenagers and young adults. The researchers found that the religious views of many young people diverged significantly from the traditional teachings of Christianity and other faiths. Instead, they embraced a set of beliefs characterized by individualism, moral relativism, and a therapeutic focus on feeling good about oneself. The core tenets of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism can be summarized as follows: A belief in a distant, non-interventionist deity or deities that created the world but do not directly engage with…

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The bronze laver was an important fixture in the tabernacle and later the temple. It was a large bronze basin used by the priests to wash themselves before offering sacrifices or entering the Holy Place (Exodus 30:18-21). Here are some key points about the significance and purpose of the bronze laver: Ceremonial Cleansing The laver was located between the bronze altar and the entrance to the Holy Place. It was used by the priests to ceremonially wash their hands and feet before performing their duties or making sacrifices (Exodus 40:30-32). This cleansing ritual signified that they were leaving behind the…

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The Apostles’ Creed is a statement of Christian faith and belief that dates back to the early church. Though not written by the apostles themselves, it is based on apostolic teachings and was likely formulated between the 2nd and 5th centuries. The creed outlines core doctrines and beliefs that unite Christians across denominations. Here is the full text of the Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under…

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Doubt is something many Christians struggle with at some point in their faith journey. Even some of the heroes of the Bible experienced doubt from time to time. Here are some key Bible passages that provide wisdom and encouragement related to dealing with doubt: Psalm 73:1-28 This Psalm describes the psalmist wrestling with doubt and envy over the prosperity of the wicked, before being reminded in the sanctuary of their ultimate destiny and finding his strength and purpose again in God. Key verses include: “But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped. For I…

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The Hebrew word “maskil” appears in the titles of 13 psalms (Psalms 32, 42, 44, 45, 52–55, 74, 78, 88, 89, 142). It is translated variously as “contemplation”, “skillful song”, or “maskil”. There has been much debate over the exact meaning of this term. Here is an overview of key points regarding the maskil psalms: Basic Meaning The root meaning of “maskil” comes from the Hebrew word “sakal” which means to be prudent, act circumspectly, teach, or instruct. Thus, a maskil psalm can be understood as a “teaching psalm” or a psalm that imparts wisdom and insight. Some translations render…

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Mary’s lineage can be traced back through several generations in the Bible. Here is an overview of what the Bible tells us about Mary’s family tree: Mary’s Parents The Bible does not specifically name Mary’s parents, but tradition holds that her parents were Joachim and Anna. Joachim and Anna are not mentioned in the Bible, but they are named in some extra-biblical sources from the early centuries of the church. Mary’s Lineage through Her Father If Joachim was indeed Mary’s father, he was likely from the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David. This would mean that Mary came…

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Intersectionality is a framework for understanding how aspects of one’s social and political identities (such as race, class, gender, sexuality, disability status, etc.) might combine to create unique modes of discrimination. The concept was first introduced by professor Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 as a way to describe the experiences of black women, who face overlapping racism and sexism. Since then, intersectionality has become a popular concept in many academic disciplines and advocacy movements. It aims to capture the complexity of human identity and highlight interconnections between different forms of marginalization or advantage. Intersectional thinking rejects simplistic narratives about privilege and…

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The Jesus Movement refers to a Christian revivalist movement that originated on the West Coast of the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It spread rapidly across the United States and to other countries around the world. The movement was characterized by a focus on having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, evangelism, and living according to the teachings of the Bible. Here is an overview of the key aspects and history of the Jesus Movement: Origins and Timeframe The Jesus Movement emerged out of the hippie counter-culture movement of the 1960s, which was centered in areas…

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