Author: Richard Curi

John 10:10 is a well-known verse where Jesus describes the motives of the “thief” in contrast to His own mission. In the fuller context of John 10, Jesus is referring to the religious leaders of His day who were threatened by His ministry and worked to undermine Him. But this verse also speaks to the broader work of Satan who seeks to destroy God’s people. Here is John 10:10 in context: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a…

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The issue of homosexuality and same-sex relationships is a controversial one among Christians today. Some believe that the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality as sinful, while others argue that the Bible’s stance on homosexuality is not as clear-cut. A common question that arises in this debate is: If homosexuality is a sin, why didn’t Jesus ever explicitly mention or condemn it? There are a few potential reasons why Jesus did not directly address the issue of homosexuality: 1. The cultural context was different In the Jewish and Greco-Roman cultures of Jesus’ time, homosexual behavior was widely practiced. However, the modern concept…

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Mormonism, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is a relatively new religious movement founded in the 1820s in upstate New York by Joseph Smith. He claimed to have received a vision from God directing him to restore the true Christian church by translating ancient writings into what is now known as The Book of Mormon. This additional scripture, according to Smith, was the key to restoring the primitive church established by Jesus. Since its beginnings, Mormonism has grown rapidly but remained controversial. The church now claims over 16 million members worldwide, but many Christian groups…

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The event described in John 20:22 is rich with meaning and significance. In this verse, Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection and breathes on them, saying “Receive the Holy Spirit.” This mysterious action prompts many questions: What did Jesus mean by breathing on them? Why did he say “Receive the Holy Spirit”? And what are the implications of this verse for Christian theology and practice? Let’s explore this passage in depth. The Context of John 20:22 John 20 recounts Jesus’ first resurrection appearance to his disciples. Early in the morning on the first day of the week, Mary…

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The Christmas nativity scene is a visual representation of the birth of Jesus Christ, as described in the gospels of Matthew and Luke in the Bible. It typically includes figures of the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, and the three wise men. The nativity scene originated in medieval mystery plays, which were dramatizations of Biblical events performed by churches during the Advent and Christmas seasons. Over time, static nativity scenes were set up in churches and homes to visually tell the Christmas story. According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem during the…

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Solitude is the state of being alone or remote from others. In today’s busy and connected world, finding solitude can be difficult but also beneficial. The Bible has much to say about the value and purpose of solitude for the believer. Solitude for Spiritual Renewal One of the main reasons the Bible encourages solitude is for spiritual renewal. Time alone with God is vital for every Christian. Jesus himself frequently withdrew to desolate places to pray (Luke 5:16). Solitude provides freedom from distractions in order to focus on God, pray, meditate on scripture, and listen to the Holy Spirit. The…

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The question of whether the apostle Peter ever visited the city of Rome has been debated by scholars for centuries. The Bible itself does not provide a definitive answer, but there are several clues from Scripture and early church history that can help shed light on this issue. Biblical Evidence The Bible does not contain an explicit record of Peter traveling to Rome. However, there are a few passages that may suggest a connection between Peter and the church at Rome: In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he sends greetings to members in the Roman church, including “Mark, Aristarchus, Demas…

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The Bible teaches that in our natural, fallen state, humans do not seek after God. Left to ourselves, we are inclined to go our own way and live for our own purposes rather than seeking after the one true God. This does not mean that people are incapable of religious seeking or spiritual interest. But true seeking after the biblical God only occurs when God draws us to himself. There are several passages in Scripture that point to the human tendency to avoid seeking after God: “As it is written: ‘There is no one righteous, not even one; there is…

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In 2015, there was a rare occurrence known as a “blood moon tetrad” – four consecutive total lunar eclipses, each spaced about six months apart. Some Christians believed this tetrad signaled the imminent return of Jesus Christ based on certain biblical prophecies. However, Jesus did not return in 2015 despite the blood moons. This has led many to question what the Bible really says about the end times and Christ’s second coming. In this article, we will examine: What is a blood moon tetrad? The biblical basis for connecting lunar eclipses to end times prophecy Various interpretations of the relevance…

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Orbs are balls or spheres of light that some people claim to see in photographs or video footage. They are often believed to be manifestations of spirits or supernatural entities. However, from a Christian perspective, how should we understand what these orbs really are? Firstly, it’s important to recognize that the Bible does not specifically mention orbs. The concept of mysterious floating balls of light does not come up in Scripture. So we don’t have a direct biblical teaching to follow on this particular phenomenon. That said, the Bible does talk about angels and demons, spiritual beings that exist in…

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