Author: Richard Curi

Masada is an ancient fortress located on top of an isolated rock plateau at the western end of the Judean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea. The history of Masada dates back to the 1st century BCE when Herod the Great constructed a lavish palace complex on top of the rock plateau between 37 and 31 BCE. However, Masada is most famous for being the site of the Siege of Masada in 73 CE during the First Jewish-Roman War. After the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, a group of Jewish rebels known as the Sicarii took…

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Meshech and Tubal are two ancient nations mentioned several times in the Old Testament of the Bible. They are almost always mentioned together, indicating they had close relations. Understanding who Meshech and Tubal were provides insight into biblical prophecy and geography. Here is a summary of the key information the Bible provides about Meshech and Tubal: They were sons of Japheth and grandsons of Noah (Genesis 10:2). They settled in the area southeast of the Black Sea after the Flood (Ezekiel 27:13, 32:26). They likely represent progenitors of tribes located in that region. Along with other nations, they traded with…

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Apocatastasis is the belief that all beings, including fallen angels and Satan, will eventually be reconciled with God and restored to their original state. The term comes from the Greek word ἀποκατάστασις (apokatastasis), which means “restoration” or “restitution.” This doctrine teaches that after a period of punishment and purification, even those in hell will ultimately be saved. God’s love, grace, and mercy will triumph over evil, and there will be a universal salvation and restoration of all things in the end. The concept of apocatastasis originated with Origen (c. 185-254 AD), an early Christian theologian. Origen believed that Scripture taught…

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SoulCycle is a popular indoor cycling workout that involves riding a stationary bike in a studio to high-energy music led by motivational instructors. Classes often involve dim lighting, motivational messaging, and high-intensity spinning. Since its start in New York City in 2006, SoulCycle has grown into a large fitness franchise with studios worldwide. For Christians, participating in SoulCycle may raise some spiritual concerns. While cycling itself is morally neutral, some of the spiritual practices and atmospheres in SoulCycle studios could conflict with Christian beliefs. This article will provide an overview of SoulCycle and analyze it from a biblical perspective to…

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This is a complex question with no simple answer. There are over 30,000 different Protestant denominations worldwide, all claiming to be true churches of God. However, the Bible does not explicitly state that any one denomination is the “one true church.” Here is a 9,000 word analysis of what the Bible teaches about the church and denominations: The Nature and Purpose of the Church The New Testament uses the word “church” to refer to all believers in Christ worldwide, as well as local gatherings of believers. The universal church consists of everyone who has sincerely placed their faith in Jesus…

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Keturah was one of the wives of Abraham in the Bible. She is first mentioned in Genesis 25:1 which states, “Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah.” This verse comes after the account of Sarah’s death in Genesis 23 and before the account of Abraham’s death in Genesis 25:7-11. Not much is known about Keturah from Scripture. Genesis 25:1 simply identifies her as another wife of Abraham after Sarah died. Some key points about Keturah from the Bible include: She bore Abraham six sons – Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah (Genesis 25:2). Abraham gave gifts to the…

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The book of Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon towards the end of his life. In it, he reflects on the meaninglessness of life apart from God. One of the most well-known passages is Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, which speaks of there being a time and season for everything under heaven. Verse 6 specifically mentions “a time to keep and a time to throw away.” What exactly does this mean? The overall message of Ecclesiastes is that life is fleeting and futile without an eternal perspective. Chapter 3 emphasizes the cyclical nature of life by listing contrasting activities and states of being…

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Chain letters have been around for a long time, likely originating in the late 19th or early 20th century. They involve messages that encourage or demand the recipient to make copies of the letter and pass them on to a certain number of people. Oftentimes chain letters make outrageous promises or threats if the recipient does not keep the chain going. So how should a Christian respond when they receive such letters? The Bible does not specifically mention chain letters, but it provides principles that can guide believers in this matter. First and foremost, Christians are called to exercise discernment…

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What is Spikenard in the Bible? Spikenard is an aromatic oil mentioned several times in the Bible, primarily in the New Testament. It was a very precious and expensive oil in ancient times, mentioned alongside other valuable oils like myrrh and frankincense. Understanding the significance and uses of spikenard in the Bible provides insight into biblical cultures and the meaning of certain passages. The oil called “spikenard” or “pure nard” in the Bible is derived from a plant in the valerian family called Nardostachys jatamansi. It is native to the Himalayan mountains in India and Nepal. The oil is extracted…

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Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to Christians for the purpose of building up the body of Christ. The Bible mentions these gifts in passages like 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. The main purposes and functions of spiritual gifts include: 1. To glorify God and point people to Christ Spiritual gifts are given to bring glory to God, not to ourselves (1 Peter 4:10-11). They point people to the power and grace of Christ. Even gifts like prophecy, knowledge, faith, or miracles have the ultimate goal of testifying to God’s work in Christ…

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