Author: Richard Curi

A faith conversion refers to the process by which an individual converts from one faith or religion to another. This often involves a significant change in that person’s beliefs, practices, and worldview as they embrace the new faith. While conversion experiences can differ greatly, some common elements of a faith conversion may include: Experiencing doubts or dissatisfaction with one’s current faith Encountering and learning about a new faith tradition and its teachings Feeling drawn towards the new faith and compelled to learn more Undergoing a period of exploration, study, and reflection Experiencing a definitive moment or event that solidifies the…

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Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, set an example during his life on earth that Christians are called to emulate. But to what extent should we strive to be like him? Let’s explore what the Bible says about following Jesus’ example. Jesus Called Us to Follow His Example Jesus directly told his disciples to follow his example and walk as he walked. For instance, in John 13:15, after washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus said “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” He demonstrated servitude and humility, and called his followers…

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King Uzziah, also known as Azariah, was one of the kings of Judah mentioned in the Bible. He had a long and mostly prosperous reign from around 792 to 740 BC. Here is an overview of King Uzziah’s life and accomplishments according to the scriptures: Uzziah’s Family Background Uzziah was born in around 811 BC. His father was Amaziah, who was one of the kings of Judah (2 Kings 14:21, 2 Chronicles 26:1). His mother was Jecoliah from Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 26:3). Uzziah had a son named Jotham, who later succeeded him as king (2 Kings 15:7). Uzziah Becomes King…

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Egypt is mentioned over 600 times in the Bible, which shows its prominence and importance in Biblical history. Here is an overview of the significance of Egypt in the Bible: Egypt as a Place of Refuge In the book of Genesis, we read how Abraham visited Egypt to escape famine in Canaan (Genesis 12:10). Later, Joseph’s brothers also went to Egypt to buy grain during famine (Genesis 42:1-3). Most significantly, Jacob and his family moved to Egypt to survive famine and settled there for over 400 years (Genesis 46:1-7). God used Egypt as a place of refuge for the patriarchs.…

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Dorcas, also known as Tabitha, is a notable woman mentioned in the New Testament book of Acts. Though her story is brief, it provides insight into her character and her importance in the early church community. Dorcas is first mentioned in Acts 9:36 which states, “Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which, translated, means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity.” This introduces Dorcas as a believer living in Joppa, a coastal town in Judea. Her name Tabitha is Aramaic while Dorcas is the Greek translation, both meaning “gazelle.” The passage reveals key…

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Mount Ebal is a mountain located in the northern part of Israel near the city of Shechem. It plays an important role in several biblical stories and is mentioned multiple times throughout the Old Testament. Here are some of the key ways Mount Ebal is significant in the Bible: The Covenant Renewal Ceremony One of the most notable events involving Mount Ebal is the covenant renewal ceremony conducted by Joshua and the Israelites in Joshua 8. After entering the Promised Land, God instructed Joshua to build an altar on Mount Ebal and offer sacrifices to the Lord. Joshua read aloud…

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What is the story of the New Testament? The New Testament tells the story of Jesus Christ and the early Christian church. It consists of 27 books written by apostles and disciples of Jesus after his death and resurrection. The New Testament books were composed between approximately A.D. 50 and 100. The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They provide four unique perspectives on the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospels record Jesus’ teachings, miracles, encounters with individuals, and fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. The four Gospels are: Matthew – Emphasizes…

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The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most miraculous and pivotal events in human history. After being crucified and buried, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, just as He had foretold. His resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith and validates His claims to be the Son of God. However, one perplexing detail in the post-resurrection accounts is that Jesus’ own disciples did not immediately recognize Him when they saw Him. Why was this? Let’s explore what the Bible tells us about the disciples’ initial failure to recognize the risen Lord. Jesus’ Appearance was…

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The Church Age refers to the period of time between Pentecost (when the church was established in Acts 2) and the Rapture (when the church will be removed from the earth). This age covers the expansion and development of the church throughout history, as believers spread the gospel message around the world. The Beginning of the Church Age The Church Age began in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost. Empowered by the Spirit, Peter preached the gospel and 3,000 people were saved that day (Acts 2:41). The early…

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The Millennial Kingdom refers to the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth as described in Revelation 20:1-6. This period will begin after the tribulation and second coming of Christ. Here is an overview of key aspects of the Millennial Kingdom dispensation: Christ Will Physically Reign on Earth During the Millennial Kingdom, Jesus Christ will return to earth and reign as King from Jerusalem. Bible passages that describe Christ reigning on earth include: Isaiah 24:23 – “Then the moon will be confounded and the sun ashamed, for the LORD of hosts reigns on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and his…

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