Author: Richard Curi

Date-setting for the end times has been a controversial topic among Christians for centuries. While some believe we can predict when Jesus will return or other end time events will occur, others argue that the Bible tells us we cannot know the day or hour. Looking closely at what Scripture says can help us evaluate the merits and potential pitfalls of attempting to set dates for the end times. The Unknown Timing of Jesus’ Return Several passages indicate that the timing of Jesus’ return is unknown to us. Matthew 24:36 states, “But concerning that day and hour no one knows,…

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Is it a sin to look at a woman’s body? The issue of lustfully looking at a woman’s body is a sensitive one that requires wisdom and discernment from God’s word. Here is a 9000 word examination of what the Bible teaches on this topic: We live in a hypersexualized culture where provocative images of women’s bodies are everywhere – billboards, magazines, movies, television, and online. For Christian men seeking to honor God, navigating today’s over-sexualized environment can be incredibly challenging. Seeing a beautiful woman is enjoyable for most men, but the Bible warns about the dangers of lust. So…

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Music has been an important part of worship and praise since biblical times. The Bible contains many references to music and musical instruments, and even includes some specific musical directions and terms. Here is an overview of some of the key musical terms found in the Bible and what they signify: Harp The harp is one of the most frequently mentioned instruments in the Bible. Harps were string instruments, similar to modern acoustic guitars but larger and without a soundbox. Harps are referred to in contexts of praise, prophecy, and lament. For example: “It came to pass, when the evil…

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The city of Antioch plays an important role in the Bible, particularly in the Book of Acts and the spread of early Christianity. Here is an overview of the significance of Antioch in 9000 words: Antioch was an important early center of Christianity Antioch was one of the first major centers of Christianity, along with Jerusalem and Rome. The faith spread to Antioch very early on, with the first Gentile church being established there according to Acts 11:19-26. After persecution broke out in Jerusalem, many believers fled to Antioch, which became a safe haven and thriving church. By the late…

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Synthetic parallelism is a literary device commonly found in Hebrew poetry, especially in the Old Testament books like Psalms, Proverbs, Job, and the Prophets. It involves arranging successive lines or phrases in a parallel structure to express a complete thought. In synthetic parallelism, the second line (or subsequent lines) builds upon or develops the idea presented in the first line. It does not merely repeat the same idea in different words like synonymous parallelism. Instead, it provides a supplementary, complementary, or even contrasting perspective to form a complete, unified whole. For example, Psalm 19:1 states: “The heavens declare the glory…

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The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross, Via Crucis, or Via Dolorosa, refers to a series of images depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers. The stations grew out of imitations of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path Jesus walked to Mount Calvary. This practice has been encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church as a form of devotion, and the stations are commonly found in churches as a series of 14 small icons or elaborate sculptures. They can also appear in church yards…

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The question of whether or not Paul ever met Jesus in person during Jesus’ earthly ministry is an interesting one. There is no definitive biblical evidence that Paul (who was originally named Saul) ever met Jesus face-to-face before Jesus’ death and resurrection. However, there are some clues that suggest it is possible their paths crossed at some point. Paul was a devout Pharisee and persecutor of the early Christian church prior to his dramatic conversion detailed in Acts 9. As a Pharisee living in Jerusalem, it is likely Paul would have been aware of Jesus’ ministry and the claims he…

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As an atheist, I understand not believing in God or following any religion. The world offers many philosophies, beliefs, and lifestyles to choose from. So why should I consider becoming a Christian? Here are some reasons I think it’s worth at least examining what Christianity claims and offers: 1. Evidence for Jesus Christianity stands or falls on the person of Jesus Christ. Is there good historical evidence that Jesus really lived and did the things the Bible claims he did? Many scholars, even skeptical ones, believe there is. Jesus is mentioned by several ancient historians like Tacitus, Josephus, and Pliny…

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Idolatry, in its most basic sense, is the worship of idols or false gods. Though we may think of idolatry as something relegated to ancient cultures, the truth is that idolatry is very much alive and well in the modern world. An idol, at its core, is anything that takes the place of God in our lives – something we love or value more than God Himself. Though these modern idols may not be graven images of wood and stone, they are idols nonetheless. Here are some examples of modern idolatry that we must be wary of: Money and Possessions…

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The angel Gabriel is one of the most prominent angels mentioned in the Bible. He appears in both the Old and New Testaments, delivering key messages on behalf of God. Here is an overview of what the Bible says about Gabriel: Gabriel in the Old Testament Gabriel first appears by name in the book of Daniel. In Daniel 8:16, Gabriel is commanded to give Daniel understanding of a vision. In Daniel 9:21, Gabriel appears to Daniel again and explains the meaning of another vision to him. Gabriel says he was sent by God to give wisdom and understanding to Daniel.…

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