Author: Richard Curi

The Bible has a lot to say about the concepts of order and chaos. God is portrayed as a God of order, while sin and evil bring about chaos. Here’s an overview of some key biblical principles related to order and chaos: God Created an Ordered World The creation account in Genesis 1-2 depicts God systematically creating the heavens and the earth in an orderly fashion. On each of the six days of creation, God brings a certain element into being – light, sky, land, plants, sun/moon/stars, animals, humans. At the end of each day, God reflects that His creative…

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Jairus is a figure mentioned in three of the Gospels in the New Testament. He was an important community leader and synagogue ruler who came to Jesus seeking healing for his daughter. Examining the biblical accounts of Jairus provides insight into Jesus’ ministry and the faith required to receive miracles from God. Jairus in the Gospel of Mark The earliest account of Jairus’s encounter with Jesus comes from the Gospel of Mark. In Mark 5:21-24, Jairus is described as one of the rulers of the synagogue. His daughter was extremely sick, at the point of death. When Jairus heard that…

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Paul’s statement that he was the “chief” of sinners has puzzled many readers of the Bible. What did he mean by this? A close look at the context provides some helpful insights. The Context of 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 1:15 come within a passage where he is giving Timothy instructions about false teachers who were promoting controversies and speculation rather than God’s work, which is by faith. He reminds Timothy that the goal of his instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith (v. 5). In verse 12,…

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Mega-churches, defined as Protestant churches with 2,000 or more attendees in a typical week, have grown rapidly in the United States and around the world in recent decades. This growth has spurred debate among Christians about the merits and potential drawbacks of large church congregations. On the pro side, supporters argue that mega-churches allow for more diverse programs, professional quality services, large networks for fellowship and service opportunities. The ability to pool resources also permits mega-churches to have top quality facilities, technology and staffing. Some believers feel energized by large, active congregations with many social events and volunteer activities. Potential…

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The “Christian walk” refers to the daily life and journey of a Christian who seeks to follow Jesus Christ. It encompasses every aspect of life, from our relationship with God, to our interactions with others, to the work we do. The Bible offers extensive guidance on how Christians are called to live, through both explicit commands and the example set by Jesus and other godly men and women. While the specifics of what the Christian walk looks like can vary somewhat between denominations and individuals, there are core biblical principles that all Christians are exhorted to live by. Developing a…

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The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place were two distinct chambers within the tabernacle of the Old Testament and later within the temple in Jerusalem. They formed the two innermost rooms which symbolized God’s presence among His people. The Holy Place represented God’s nearness while the Most Holy Place signified God’s full dwelling. The Tabernacle Layout The tabernacle was a portable tent-like structure that the Israelites used for worship during their wilderness wanderings after the Exodus from Egypt. The tabernacle layout consisted of an outer court and two inner chambers – the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place…

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The name Israel has great significance in the Bible as it refers to both a person and a nation. Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, was given the name Israel after wrestling with God (Genesis 32:28). His 12 sons became the ancestors of the 12 tribes of Israel. God later called the descendants of Jacob as the “children of Israel” and promised to make them His chosen people (Exodus 19:5-6). So Israel became the new name for Jacob and his offspring. The name Israel means “God contends,” “wrestles with God,” or “God rules/judges.” It signifies Jacob’s spiritual struggle and dependence on…

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The Latin phrase “semper reformanda” means “always reforming.” It refers to the concept that the church must continually examine itself and reform its beliefs and practices in order to conform to Scripture. This phrase originated during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century as Reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin sought to reform the Catholic Church according to biblical standards. The Reformers believed that the church should always be examining itself in light of Scripture, and willing to change any doctrines or practices that were not biblical. They rejected the idea that tradition or church leadership alone could determine…

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Nationalism is a complex topic that involves patriotism, pride in one’s nation, and belief in national superiority. The Bible does not directly address nationalism, as the modern nation-state system did not exist in Biblical times. However, the Bible does speak to issues of ethnic identity, God’s universal love, and the dangers of pride. Examining relevant Biblical principles can shed light on a Christian perspective on nationalism. Ethnic Identity in the Bible The Bible recognizes ethnic identities, beginning with the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 which describes the dispersal of Noah’s descendants into various people groups. God chose Abraham to…

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The Church of Christ is a fellowship of Christians that seeks to base its beliefs and practices solely on the Bible. This commitment to “speak where the Bible speaks, and be silent where the Bible is silent” has led the Churches of Christ to pursue doctrine and worship according to how they understand the New Testament. While interpretations differ, here are some key beliefs and practices of the Churches of Christ: Baptism Churches of Christ teach that baptism is necessary for the forgiveness of sins and to become a Christian. They point to verses like Acts 2:38 where Peter tells…

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