Author: Richard Curi

The question of whether Jesus drank wine or alcohol during his earthly ministry is an interesting one that often elicits debate. While the Bible does not provide an explicit yes or no answer, there are a number of passages that give insight into this issue. Looking closely at the original Greek terms, cultural context, and other scriptural teachings can shed light on what the Bible indicates about Jesus’ practices regarding wine and alcohol consumption. The Wedding at Cana One of the most well-known passages where Jesus interacts with wine is John 2:1-11, where he turns water into wine at a…

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The statement that Jesus “made himself equal with God” is found in John 5:18. This verse comes in the context of Jesus healing a disabled man on the Sabbath and telling him to “take up your bed and walk” (John 5:8). The Jewish leaders objected to Jesus doing this work on the Sabbath and also telling the man to carry his bed, which they viewed as a violation of the Sabbath laws. In response to their objections, Jesus said, “My Father is working until now, and I am working” (John 5:17). This statement provoked the Jewish leaders to seek all…

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The book of Judges covers a turbulent time in Israel’s history after they had settled in the promised land. This period is characterized by the refrain “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 17:6, 21:25). This statement comes up twice in Judges to summarize the overall moral and spiritual condition of Israel during this 300+ year span between the death of Joshua and the establishment of the monarchy with Saul. On an individual level, “everyone did as they saw fit” meant people lived according to their own standards rather than following God’s laws.…

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Purity culture refers to a Christian movement that gained prominence in the 1990s and 2000s that places a strong emphasis on sexual abstinence before marriage. The core teaching is that sex should be reserved solely for marriage, and anything outside of that is sinful. This includes not just premarital sex, but also lustful thoughts, masturbation, pornography use, and immodest dressing. Adherents believe sexual purity is a matter of honoring God with your body and protecting its sanctity for your future spouse. The purity culture movement arose in response to perceived loosening sexual mores in mainstream culture. As premarital sex became…

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The Bible provides insight into where Jesus is now and whether He is in heaven. This article will examine key biblical passages to understand what scripture says about Jesus’ current location and role. Jesus Ascended to Heaven After His Resurrection According to the Gospels, after Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples and followers over a 40-day period before ascending to heaven (Acts 1:3). The Gospel of Luke records the ascension: When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing…

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Sexual immorality is described as a sin against one’s own body in 1 Corinthians 6:18 for several important reasons: 1. It Violates God’s Intended Purpose for Sex God created sex to be enjoyed and experienced within the boundaries of marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24). Sex outside of marriage goes against God’s intended design. When we engage in sexual activities outside of marriage, such as premarital sex, adultery, pornography, etc, we are sinning against the very purpose for which God created sex. The act of sexual immorality unites two people physically and emotionally who are not joined…

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There is an increasing segment of the population today who identify as spiritual but not religious. While religion usually implies adherence to an established set of beliefs and practices, spirituality is more individualized and open-ended. Those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious do not necessarily want to commit to a particular religious dogma or institution. They want the freedom to construct a worldview that feels personally meaningful, without limiting themselves to one tradition or community. For a spiritual-but-not-religious person, cultivating a connection with the divine or transcendent may be the driving force behind their spirituality. This connection might be…

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This is a great question that many Christians grapple with in our modern digital age. When presented with lengthy terms and conditions for websites, apps, or services, it can be tempting to quickly check “Yes” just to proceed without reading everything carefully. However, is this being truthful? What does the Bible say about honesty and integrity in such situations? The Bible clearly teaches that followers of Christ are called to be people of truth, integrity and honesty in all areas of life. Colossians 3:9 says, “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self…

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Obedience to God is vitally important for several reasons according to the Bible. First, God deserves our obedience because He is our Creator and Sustainer. As our Maker, God has the right to command our allegiance and obedience (Deuteronomy 10:12-13). Second, obedience is the proper response to God’s love for us. God loves us immensely, sacrificed His Son for us, and gives us good gifts. Obedience is how we express our love and gratitude to God (John 14:15). Third, obedience leads to blessing and benefits. When we obey God, we reap positive results, such as guidance, provision, and an abundant…

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What does it mean to be in Christ? Being “in Christ” is a central concept in the Christian faith that speaks to the special relationship and union that believers have with Jesus Christ. At its core, being in Christ means that through faith in Jesus, Christians are united with Him spiritually and receive the benefits of His salvation. Here is a more in-depth look at what it means to be in Christ: Union with Christ The Bible teaches that when someone puts their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, they become spiritually united with Him. Passages like Romans 8:1 state,…

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