Author: Richard Curi

The Modern English Version (MEV) is a relatively new English translation of the Bible published in 2014. The goal of the MEV was to produce an accurate and readable translation in modern English. Here is an overview of the key features and background of the MEV Bible translation: Translation Philosophy of the MEV The translators of the MEV sought to create an essentially literal translation that retained the accuracy of the original biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) while using modern English. Their translation philosophy emphasizes word-for-word fidelity over dynamic equivalence. The result is a translation that is highly faithful…

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The question of whether Jesus was a Nazirite during his earthly ministry is an interesting one. Nazirites were people who took a special vow of separation and dedication to God for a period of time. There are a few key passages in Scripture that give insight into this question. What Does Scripture Say About Jesus and Nazirites? There are no direct statements in the Bible declaring that Jesus was a Nazirite. However, there are a few clues that suggest he may have taken a Nazirite vow at some point. Jesus is from Nazareth Jesus was known as “Jesus of Nazareth”…

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Simon the tanner is mentioned briefly in the Bible in Acts 9 and 10. Here is what we know about him from Scripture: Simon lived in Joppa, a coastal town on the Mediterranean Sea (Acts 9:43). He was a tanner, someone who worked with animal hides to produce leather. This was considered an unclean profession under Jewish law (Acts 10:6). Simon’s house was located by the sea, possibly to make use of the water in his trade (Acts 10:6). Simon welcomed Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, into his home when Peter came to Joppa (Acts 9:43). Later, Simon received a…

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Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing dysfunctional thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, not external factors like people or events, determine how we feel and act. By changing distorted thought patterns that can lead to emotional distress or unhelpful behaviors, people can feel and function better. CBT is considered an evidence-based treatment, meaning research has shown it to be effective for many mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. Unlike some forms of therapy that can take years,…

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Easter Sunday is the most important and celebrated day in the Christian calendar. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter marks the fulfillment of Jesus’ passion and death on the cross for the sins of all humanity as prophesied in the Old Testament. The resurrection of Christ is the foundation of Christian faith. As Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15:17, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile.” The resurrection affirms that Jesus is the Son of God, that his sacrifice on the cross was accepted by God, and that…

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Adlerian therapy, also known as individual psychology, is a theory and therapeutic approach developed by Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler. Adler broke away from the psychoanalytic school of Sigmund Freud in 1911 to form his own ideas about human nature and therapy. At its core, Adlerian therapy emphasizes the indivdual’s drive for significance and belonging, as well as the influence of early childhood experiences on development. It takes a holistic view to understand clients within their social contexts. This article will provide an in-depth overview of Adlerian therapy and analyze its compatibility with biblical principles. Overview of Adlerian Therapy Alfred Adler…

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Restitution is the act of making amends or giving something back to restore what was lost or stolen. The Bible has a lot to say about restitution and making things right when someone has been wronged. Here is an overview of the key biblical principles about restitution: Old Testament Laws About Restitution In the Old Testament, God provided many specific laws to the Israelites about restitution. These laws were designed to promote justice, righteousness, and restoration within the community. Some key examples include: If someone’s ox killed their neighbor’s ox, they had to sell their ox and split the money,…

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King David was one of the most important figures in the Old Testament. He was the second king of Israel and Judah, and reigned for 40 years from around 1010 BC to 970 BC. David is an incredibly important character in the biblical narrative, and his life and death are described in great detail in the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. Here is an overview of what the Bible tells us about how King David died: David’s Declining Health Towards the end of his life, the Bible describes King David as becoming increasingly frail and sickly. 2 Samuel 21:15…

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The Bible has a lot to say about strength, both physical and spiritual. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical teachings on this topic: God is the ultimate source of strength According to the Bible, God is all-powerful and the ultimate source of strength for believers. Passages like Isaiah 40:28-31 remind us that God “gives strength to the weary” and renews those who wait on Him. 1 Chronicles 29:12 affirms that power and strength belong to God. As Psalm 68:35 declares, God is “awesome in his sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his…

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The phrase “let go and let God” is commonly heard in Christian circles. But what does it really mean? And is it biblical advice? In examining Scripture, we find both instruction and caution regarding this popular saying. The Call to Trust God There are many verses that urge us to trust God rather than relying on our own understanding or strength. We are told to “commit your way to the Lord; trust in him” (Psalm 37:5) and to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). Jesus taught that we should…

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