Author: Richard Curi

The little book that John eats in Revelation 10:9 has been the source of much discussion and debate amongst Bible scholars. Revelation 10 describes a mighty angel coming down from heaven with a little scroll open in his hand. The angel tells John to take the scroll and eat it, saying it will be sweet as honey in his mouth but bitter in his stomach. After eating the scroll, John is commanded to prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings. There are several main interpretations of what this little scroll represents: 1. The scroll represents taking in and…

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The Bible verse 1 Corinthians 15:33 states “Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals.” This verse speaks an important truth about the power of influence and the importance of being careful about the company we keep. In 9000 words, let’s explore what the Bible teaches about how bad company can corrupt good character. 1. We Become Like Those We Associate With One of the reasons bad company corrupts is that we naturally tend to become like those we spend time with. The values, behaviors, and attitudes of others rub off on us and shape who we are. Proverbs…

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Propitiation is a theological term that refers to the act of appeasing or turning away the wrath of God. In Christian theology, it is closely related to concepts of atonement and substitution. The basic meaning of propitiation is to regain favor or make an offering to appease someone who has been offended. In the Bible, propitiation specifically refers to Jesus Christ’s death on the cross as an offering to God the Father to assuage His wrath against sinful humanity. There are several key passages in the New Testament that discuss propitiation and its theological significance: Romans 3:25 – “God presented…

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Christian rap music, also known as gospel rap, is a genre of rap music that features lyrics focused on spreading the Christian faith and teachings from the Bible. While some view Christian rap as an effective way to reach youth culture, others question if the style and culture of rap music is compatible with Christianity. This article will examine what the Bible says about music and creativity, issues of cultural engagement and relevance, and principles for evaluating any art form as a Christian. The Bible Encourages Creativity and Music The Bible contains many passages that reveal God as a creative…

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Psalm 22:16 is a controversial verse that has been translated differently in various Bible versions. The main debate is around how to translate the Hebrew word “kaari” – as “like a lion” or “they have pierced”. This has significant implications for understanding the prophetic nature of this Psalm that seems to foretell Jesus’ crucifixion hundreds of years before it happened. In the King James Version (KJV), the verse reads: “For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.” Whereas the English Standard Version (ESV) translates it as: “For dogs…

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Amos was a prophet in the Old Testament who prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah king of Judah and Jeroboam II king of Israel. Amos was originally from Tekoa in Judah but was called by God to go prophesy in Israel. The book of Amos contains vivid poetic imagery and symbolism as Amos communicated God’s messages of judgment and warning to the people of Israel. Here are some of the key symbolic meanings found in the book of Amos: The Plumb Line In Amos 7:7-9, God shows Amos a vision of Him standing beside a wall with a plumb line…

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The question of whether Christians sin is an important one for believers to understand. The Bible has much to say on this topic, providing insight into the nature of sin, God’s standard of holiness, and the ongoing struggle Christians face with temptation and sinful desires. First, it is clear from Scripture that all people, including Christians, have a sinful nature (Romans 3:23). When Adam and Eve first disobeyed God, sin entered the human experience, marring the image of God in mankind. This means that a bent toward sin is part of every person’s inherent nature. The Bible also teaches that…

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The Assemblies of God (AG) is a Pentecostal Christian denomination that emphasizes the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the importance of speaking in tongues. It has over 69 million members worldwide, making it one of the largest Pentecostal denominations. Here is an overview of the key beliefs and history of the Assemblies of God Church: History of the Assemblies of God The Assemblies of God has its roots in the Pentecostal revival that began in the early 20th century. This revival emphasized the role of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing. In…

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The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible, also known as the Life with God Bible, is a study Bible created by Renovaré, an interdenominational Christian nonprofit organization focused on spiritual renewal and formation. The Bible was first published in 2005 and features extensive study notes and resources to help readers grow in their relationship with God through spiritual practices and disciplines. Renovaré Renovaré is an organization founded in 1988 by Richard Foster, author of the bestselling Christian book Celebration of Discipline. The name “Renovaré” comes from the Latin word meaning “to renew.” The mission of Renovaré is to apply the life-giving practices…

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The Bible does not explicitly state how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden before being expelled after eating the forbidden fruit. However, based on genealogical information provided in Genesis, we can estimate the approximate length of their stay in the garden. Creation of Adam and Eve Genesis 1:26-31 describes how God created man and woman on the sixth day of creation. Genesis 2 provides more details, explaining how God formed Adam out of dust and breathed life into him (Genesis 2:7). After placing Adam in the Garden of Eden, God declared that it was not good…

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