Author: Richard Curi

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an important biblical concept that refers to the spiritual immersion and empowerment of believers by the Holy Spirit. It is a key part of the Christian experience that is mentioned in all four gospels and the book of Acts. Understanding what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is and what it accomplishes can help Christians fully utilize the power of the Spirit in their lives. Promised by John the Baptist and Jesus The first mentions of the baptism of the Holy Spirit came from John the Baptist, who contrasted his baptism of repentance…

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The phrase “apple of my eye” occurs several times in the Bible, referring to something or someone cherished and protected. When used in reference to human beings as the “apple of God’s eye,” this phrase indicates God’s special love, care, and protection for His people. The first mention of this phrase is in Deuteronomy 32:10, where Moses says of Israel, “He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye.” Here, Moses describes God’s tender care for His chosen nation Israel while they were wandering in the wilderness. As someone guards the pupil of…

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Discovering your spiritual gifts is an important part of your walk with God. As believers, God has given each of us unique spiritual gifts to be used for His glory and to build up the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7). Here is a biblical overview of spiritual gifts and how you can identify yours: What are spiritual gifts? Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to Christians to serve others and strengthen the church (1 Peter 4:10). Unlike natural talents and abilities which all people possess, spiritual gifts are supernaturally empowered by the Holy Spirit. There…

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The doctrine of God’s omnipresence means that God is present everywhere at all times. He is not limited by location or time. There is no place in the universe where He does not exist. This is a profound truth about God’s nature that is taught throughout Scripture. The omnipresence of God is rooted in His eternality and infinity. God has no beginning or end – He has always existed and will always exist (Psalm 90:2). He also has no limits, boundaries, or restrictions – He is infinite (1 Kings 8:27). Since God is eternal and infinite, it follows that He…

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Determining Adam’s age at death is not straightforward, as the Bible does not explicitly state his age. However, through a careful study of the biblical genealogies and timelines, scholars have proposed estimates for Adam’s age at death. According to the Book of Genesis, Adam lived for 930 years (Genesis 5:5). However, the Genesis account does not provide Adam’s age at the time of his death in relation to key events in biblical history. It simply states that Adam lived 930 years, and then he died. To ascertain Adam’s age in connection to biblical timeline, we must look at the genealogical…

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The gates of Jerusalem hold great significance in the Bible, both historically and spiritually. Jerusalem was a fortified city, and its gates served as important access points, controlling entry into and exit from the city. Several key events took place at the gates, and they are repeatedly mentioned throughout Scripture as places of gathering, business, and civic administration. The gates also took on symbolic meaning regarding God’s protection and the hope of the Messiah’s coming. Physically, Jerusalem was surrounded by walls with gates placed at intervals to allow controlled access. According to Nehemiah 3, there were around ten gates that…

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The Bible has a lot to say about daughters, their relationships with their parents, and the responsibilities that both parents and daughters have towards one another. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical teachings about daughters: Daughters are a blessing from God Several verses in Scripture speak of children, including daughters, as blessings from God and gifts to be treasured. For example: “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3) “Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when…

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Prayer walking is a spiritual practice that involves walking around a specific area while praying intentionally for that location. It combines physical movement with focused intercession. The goals of prayer walking include seeking God’s guidance and blessing, hearing His voice, interceding for the community, and taking spiritual authority over strongholds. The roots of prayer walking can be traced back to the Bible. In Joshua 6, God instructed Joshua and the Israelites to march around the walls of Jericho once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day. While circling the city, the Israelites were to remain…

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The debate between inclusivism and exclusivism has been ongoing within Christianity for centuries. At its core, this debate centers around the question: Is salvation only available through explicit faith in Jesus Christ, or can those who have never heard the gospel still be saved? Exclusivists argue the former, while inclusivists argue the latter. In examining this issue, Christians look primarily to the Bible as their authority and source of revelation from God. Definitions Before diving into the biblical evidence, it will be helpful to define inclusivism and exclusivism: Inclusivism is the belief that while salvation is made possible only through…

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The question of whether Jesus Christ was married during his earthly ministry has been debated for centuries. The Bible does not provide a definitive answer, but there are several key points we can glean from Scripture. Jesus’ singleness was countercultural In first-century Jewish culture, it was extremely unusual for a man of Jesus’ age to remain unmarried. Jewish custom at the time encouraged men to marry early, ideally between ages 18-24. Most rabbis and Jewish leaders were expected to be married, to demonstrate obedience to Genesis 1:28 to “be fruitful and multiply.” As an observant Jew, Jesus would have faced…

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