Author: Richard Curi

New Calvinism is a theological movement within Protestant evangelicalism that embraces the fundamentals of 16th century Reformed theology while also seeking to engage contemporary culture, science, and social justice issues. The movement has been prominent mainly within Baptist, Presbyterian, and nondenominational churches. The term “New Calvinism” was coined in 2009 by Baptist theologian Collin Hansen in an article for Christianity Today titled “Young, Restless, Reformed: Calvinism is making a comeback—and shaking up the church.” In this article, Hansen spotlighted the popularity of Reformed theology among young Christian leaders and churches. Key figures associated with New Calvinism include John Piper, Mark…

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The idea of eternal damnation is deeply troubling for many people. It evokes feelings of horror, injustice, and despair. Why would a loving God condemn anyone to unending torment? This difficult doctrine raises many complex theological and philosophical questions. In this article, we will examine what the Bible teaches about hell and seek to understand why the prospect of eternal punishment seems so repulsive to modern sensibilities. The Biblical Case for Eternal Damnation While controversial, the doctrine of eternal damnation is firmly established in Scripture. Jesus often warned of “eternal fire” and “outer darkness” prepared for the wicked (Matthew 13:42;…

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Seeking God’s protection is an important part of the Christian life. The Bible encourages believers to trust in God’s strength and mighty power to defend and guard us from all harm and danger. Here are some key ways the Bible instructs Christians to receive divine protection: 1. Put your faith in God The first and most fundamental way to receive God’s protection is to put your complete faith and confidence in Him. As Proverbs 29:25 says, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” When we trust in God rather…

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The book of Revelation contains some vivid imagery that has captivated readers for centuries. Among the visionary scenes depicted is a “sea of glass” located before the throne of God in heaven. This mysterious sea is mentioned twice – first in Revelation 4:6 and again in 15:2. In Revelation 4, the apostle John describes a vision of the throne room of heaven. Before this throne was “something like a sea of glass, like crystal” (Revelation 4:6 ESV). The wording indicates John was struggling to describe something for which he had no reference point. This sea appeared solid and smooth like…

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Christian spirituality refers to the ways in which Christians live out and practice their faith in their daily lives. It encompasses our relationship with God, our growth in Christlikeness, and how we apply biblical principles to every area of life. At its core, Christian spirituality is about pursuing a deeper connection with God and conforming ourselves to His will. Connecting with God Through Prayer and Scripture Developing an active prayer life and spending time reading and meditating on Scripture are foundational spiritual disciplines for Christians. Through prayer we communicate with God, bringing our burdens, requests, praises, and thanks before Him.…

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Jesus Camp refers to evangelical Christian summer camps for children and teenagers. The goal of these camps is to strengthen the faith of young believers through worship, bible study, and spiritual practices. The name comes from the 2006 documentary film “Jesus Camp” which followed kids attending one such camp. At Jesus Camp, campers take part in faith-based activities designed to deepen their relationship with God. This can involve praise and worship sessions with contemporary Christian music, listening to sermons and teachings by the camp pastor, small group bible studies, and prayer circles. There is an emphasis on having a “personal…

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How is somebody who does not provide for his family worse than an unbeliever (1 Timothy 5:8)? The apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 5:8, “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” This verse raises an important question – how is someone who does not provide for their family worse than an unbeliever? A full understanding requires examining the verse in context, reflecting on the biblical principles behind it, and thinking carefully about what it means for our lives today.…

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The title “Son of Man” is used numerous times in the Bible to refer to Jesus Christ. It is one of the most distinctive titles Jesus used to describe Himself. Understanding the meaning behind this title is key to understanding who Jesus claimed to be. The title “Son of Man” comes from Daniel 7:13-14, where Daniel has a vision of “one like a son of man” coming with the clouds of heaven and being given dominion and glory by God. This passage is interpreted as a messianic prophecy by Jews and Christians. Jesus frequently used “Son of Man” to refer…

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The doctrine of illumination refers to the role of the Holy Spirit in helping people understand the meaning and application of God’s Word. The basic idea is that spiritual truths contained in Scripture cannot be fully comprehended through human reason alone. Divine assistance from the Spirit is needed to open one’s eyes to discern spiritual truths and have a right understanding of God’s revelation. This doctrine recognizes that the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned…

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The tribe of Zebulun was one of the twelve tribes of Israel. They were descendants of Zebulun, one of the sons of Jacob. Though not much is said about them in Scripture, there are still valuable lessons we can learn from this obscure tribe. Here are a few key things the Bible reveals about Zebulun: 1. Zebulun’s Territory and Livelihood Zebulun’s allotted territory was in the fertile western Galilee region, which was ideal for agriculture and maritime trade (Joshua 19:10-16). They likely engaged extensively in business and commerce via the Mediterranean Sea. Deborah praised Zebulun as a tribe that “jeopardized…

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