Author: Richard Curi

The Queen James Bible, also known as the Gay Bible, is a revised version of the King James Bible published in 2012. The editors of the Queen James Bible claim to have edited the Bible to “prevent homophobic interpretations.” Here are some key facts about the Queen James Bible: It was published in 2012 by an anonymous group that described itself as “dedicated Christians who also happen to be LGBT.” The name “Queen James” is based on the speculation that King James I of England, who commissioned the King James Version translation of the Bible, may have been bisexual. The…

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Jesus spoke very directly and harshly about lukewarm faith throughout the New Testament. His words on this topic, recorded in Scripture, communicate the seriousness with which God views half-hearted commitment to Him. By examining Jesus’ teachings, we can better understand the dangers of lukewarm faith and the importance of pursuing wholehearted devotion to God. Jesus’ Rebuke of Lukewarm Faith in Revelation One of the strongest rebukes of lukewarm faith from Jesus comes in Revelation 3:15-16. Speaking to the church in Laodicea, Jesus says, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one…

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The emerging/emergent church movement refers to a broad Christian movement that arose in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Proponents of the movement advocate rethinking Christianity against the backdrop of postmodernism. The movement is hard to define because it encompasses a diverse range of perspectives and practices. However, some common themes include: A desire to reach postmodern and post-Christian cultures An emphasis on authenticity, community, and experiences A more participatory and decentralized approach to church An openness to rethinking theology and Christian practices The terms “emerging” and “emergent” are sometimes used interchangeably. “Emerging” is the broader term, whereas “emergent”…

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Hophni and Phinehas were the two sons of Eli, the high priest during the early part of the period of the judges in the history of Israel (1 Samuel 1:3). They served as priests at the tabernacle in Shiloh, where the ark of the covenant was kept at that time. Not much background information is provided about Hophni and Phinehas in the Bible. They first appear by name in 1 Samuel 1:3 when their father Eli is introduced. Their names mean “pugilist” (Hophni) and “brazen mouth” (Phinehas), which gives some sense of their character. They were older than Samuel, as…

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The Bible makes some bold claims. It claims to be the inspired word of God – revealed to prophets and apostles under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Bible claims that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, who lived a sinless life, died an atoning death, and rose bodily from the grave. With claims like these, it’s understandable that some people view the Bible as mythology or fable rather than fact. However, there are good reasons to believe the Bible is much more than mythology. 1. The Bible has withstood intense scrutiny If the Bible were merely a book of…

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Charles Caldwell Ryrie was an influential American theologian and professor of systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. He was born on March 2, 1925 in St. Louis, Missouri and passed away on February 16, 2016 at the age of 90. Ryrie is best known for his steadfast defense of dispensational theology and his seminal work, the Ryrie Study Bible, which contains over 10,000 explanatory notes and has sold over 2.5 million copies. The Ryrie Study Bible was first published in 1978 and aimed to provide a clear and accessible guide to understanding the Bible for lay readers. It uses the…

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a pivotal figure in the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s. As a Baptist minister and activist, he courageously spoke out against racial injustice and organized nonviolent protests to advocate for racial equality and voting rights for African Americans. Through his inspirational leadership and powerful oratory, Dr. King galvanized the civil rights movement and helped bring about monumental social change in America. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. His father was a prominent Baptist minister and his mother was a schoolteacher.…

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Original sin refers to the first sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as described in Genesis chapters 2-3 in the Bible. When God created the first man and woman, He gave them free will and a choice to obey or disobey His commands. God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but they were tempted by the serpent and chose to disobey God, eating the forbidden fruit. This first sin of disobedience corrupted the nature of humankind and created a separation between God and humanity.…

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The question of why some modern Bible translations are missing verses found in older translations like the King James Version is an important one. There are several factors that have led to verses being omitted from newer translations. Differences in the Manuscripts The King James Version was translated from the Textus Receptus family of New Testament manuscripts in the 17th century. However, since that time older biblical manuscripts in Hebrew and Greek have been discovered that are closer to the original writings of the biblical authors. When translators work from these older manuscripts, they sometimes find that verses included in…

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To pursue righteousness means to actively seek to live a life that is morally upright and pleasing to God. This involves both internal motivations and outward actions. At its core, pursuing righteousness requires a heart that genuinely desires to know and obey God’s will as revealed in Scripture. The Bible makes it clear that human righteousness is impossible to attain on our own. Isaiah 64:6 says that all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags before a holy God. Romans 3:10 declares that no one is righteous, not even one. Ephesians 2:8-9 explains that salvation is by grace through faith,…

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