Author: Richard Curi

The Shema is a key prayer in Judaism that affirms belief in one God. It gets its name from the first Hebrew word of the prayer, which means “hear” or “listen.” The Shema is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and is seen as a fundamental expression of Jewish faith. Here is an overview of this important prayer: Origin and Location of the Shema The core of the Shema prayer is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-5: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul…

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The Bible as we know it today consists of 66 books – 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. These books are believed by Christians to be divinely inspired and authoritative. The content of the Bible has remained unchanged for centuries, but some wonder if it’s possible for more books to be added in the future. There are a few perspectives on this issue: The case against adding books Most Christians believe the Bible is complete and closed. Several factors support this view: The early church councils settled on the current list of biblical books. Church…

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John 3:5 is a verse that has led to much debate among Christians regarding whether baptism is necessary for salvation. The verse says, “Jesus answered, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.'” Some Christian traditions interpret this verse to mean that water baptism is an essential part of salvation, while others do not hold that view. This article will examine the different perspectives on this controversial verse, looking at the meaning of “born of water,” the broader context of John 3 and teachings elsewhere in…

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The idea of Bible codes, also known as Torah codes or ELS codes (Equidistant Letter Sequences), suggests that hidden messages are encoded within the text of the Bible. This is done by searching for equidistant letter sequences, words or phrases spelled out by selecting letters at fixed intervals throughout the text. This concept was popularized in the 1990s by Michael Drosnin’s book The Bible Code. Drosnin claimed that events like the Holocaust, the assassination of world leaders, and future events were predicted in code in the Hebrew Bible. However, the validity of Bible codes has been extensively debated by mathematicians,…

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Biblical numerology is the study of numbers in the Bible and the spiritual significance behind them. Numbers are used throughout Scripture for counting, ordering, measuring, and referencing. However, many numbers mentioned in the Bible have symbolic meaning relating to prophecy, the end times, God’s divine plans, and spiritual truths. Specific numbers hold special significance in Scripture. Here are some of the most important biblical numbers and their spiritual meanings: 1 – Unity One signifies unity, togetherness, and primacy. There is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4). The Lord is one (Zechariah 14:9). Jesus prayed for the unification of believers (John 17:21). 3…

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The concept of pearly gates in heaven is not explicitly described in the Bible, but it has become a popular cultural image representing the entrance to heaven. The image seems to originate from Revelation 21:21, which describes the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem as being made of pearl. While the New Jerusalem refers to the future holy city where God will dwell with His people, the pearly gates have been imagined in popular culture as the gates one must pass through to reach heaven. There are a few key points to understand about the biblical basis and meaning behind…

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The Behemoth is a mysterious creature mentioned in the book of Job in the Bible. Job 40:15-24 describes the Behemoth as a powerful, gigantic beast that lives among the reeds of the riverbanks. The passage portrays the Behemoth as an incredibly strong animal that only God can approach and subdue. Scholars have debated the identity of the Behemoth for centuries. Some believe it refers to real animals like the hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or elephant. Others think it may refer to a mythical creature. But the description in Job points to a powerful, dangerous animal unlike anything familiar to humans. Let’s explore…

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Trinitarianism is the Christian belief that God exists as three distinct persons – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit – who together make up one Godhead. This concept is derived from several biblical passages that reference the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as divine, yet distinct. Here is an overview of the biblical basis and key aspects of Trinitarianism: Biblical Basis for the Trinity Though the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, several key passages imply or directly state that God exists as three persons: At Jesus’s baptism, the Father speaks…

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Historical creationism is the belief, based on the Bible, that God created the universe and everything in it in six literal 24-hour days, sometime between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. This view stands in contrast to evolutionary theory, which says the universe is billions of years old and life developed gradually over long periods of time through natural processes. There are several key aspects to historical creationism: God created the universe ex nihilo (out of nothing) – Genesis 1:1 The days of creation were normal 24-hour days – Exodus 20:11 Creation occurred relatively recently – around 6,000-10,000 years ago according…

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The Bible does not directly address the concept of coincidence. However, it does speak to the sovereignty and providence of God over all things. This suggests that events that may seem random or coincidental to us are in fact ordained by God to accomplish His purposes. Here are some key biblical principles related to coincidence: 1. God is sovereign over all things The Bible teaches that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present (Psalm 139:1-6). Nothing happens outside of His sovereign will and control (Daniel 4:35; Romans 11:36). This means that even seemingly insignificant or chance events are guided by God…

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