Author: Richard Curi

The Role and Significance of Elders in the Old Testament The elders, or older, experienced leaders of Israel, held an important position in Israelite society throughout the Old Testament period. They served in various leadership capacities as representatives, judges, advisors, and authorities for the people. Their wisdom and experience were highly valued in a culture that respected age and maturity. In the Patriarchal Period The concept of eldership has its origins in the patriarchal period with the heads of the family clans. For example, when Jacob and his household settled in Egypt, the pharaoh honored the elders among them when…

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The prophecy attributed to Jeremiah in Matthew 27:9 has long puzzled Bible scholars. This verse reads: “Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, ‘And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel.'” The confusion arises from the fact that this prophecy is not found anywhere in the book of Jeremiah, but rather comes from Zechariah 11:12-13. So why does Matthew attribute it to Jeremiah? There are several possible explanations that Bible scholars have proposed: 1. It was a scribal…

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The question of whether Christians from different denominations should date or get married is an important one. There are differing perspectives on this issue within the Christian church. Here is an overview of key considerations from the Bible on interdenominational relationships among believers. Unity Within Diversity The Bible emphasizes the underlying unity that all true Christians share despite denominational differences. Ephesians 4:4-6 says “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all…

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Lustful thoughts and temptations are a common struggle for many Christians. Though these intrusive thoughts can feel shameful, the Bible offers hope and practical solutions for overcoming lust and living in purity. By relying on scripture, prayer, accountability, and other spiritual disciplines, freedom from lustful desires is possible through God’s power. Recognize That Lust Begins in the Heart and Mind Jesus taught that lust starts internally with our thought life. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed…

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Throughout history, there have been many events and occurrences that seem too miraculous or timely to be explained by mere chance or coincidence. While divine intervention cannot be proven scientifically, many people of faith see the hand of God actively involved in shaping events and protecting His people. The Bible itself records numerous examples of supernatural occurrences and inexplicable events attributed to God’s direct intervention in the affairs of humanity. Here are some of the more extraordinary biblical examples of potential divine intervention that defy straightforward secular explanation. The Plagues of Egypt The book of Exodus describes 10 catastrophic plagues…

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The Bible warns that in the end times, God will send a powerful delusion on those who refused to believe the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12). This delusion will cause them to believe what is false. But why would God do this? To understand why God sends this delusion, we first need to look at the context. In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul is writing to comfort believers who were disturbed by false teaching that the day of the Lord had already come (2 Thess 2:1-2). Paul assures them that two things must happen first – the rebellion and the revelation of…

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Expiation is the act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing, especially sin. It involves removing or cleansing oneself of sin and guilt before God. In the Bible, expiation is linked to concepts like atonement, propitiation, and redemption. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about expiation: Old Testament Background In the Old Testament, the idea of atonement and cleansing from sin was central to Jewish religion and worship. God provided a system of animal sacrifices as a way for His people to receive forgiveness and be cleansed from their sins (Leviticus 4:20, 26, 31). The…

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In the Old Testament laws regarding ritual purity and impurity, there are various regulations stating that a period of uncleanness would last until evening. This pattern is seen in laws pertaining to skin diseases, genital discharges, menstruation, and contact with dead bodies. Understanding why uncleanness ended at evening requires examining the symbolic significance of these laws. Background on Ritual Purity Laws In ancient Israelite society, ritual purity laws served to mark distinctions between the sacred and the profane. Things associated with death, disease, and bodily emissions were seen as profane and requiring separation from holy spaces and sacred rituals. Violations…

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John 20:23 is a verse that has been interpreted in different ways by various Christian traditions throughout history. The verse reads: “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.” This statement was made by Jesus to his disciples after his resurrection. There are two main ways this verse has been understood: 1. The Catholic/Orthodox View The Catholic and Orthodox churches have historically understood this verse to mean that Jesus gave his disciples, and their successors (bishops and priests), the authority to forgive sins. This is a power called…

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The statement “the earth is the Lord’s” first appears in Exodus 9:29, when Moses is speaking to Pharaoh during the plagues on Egypt. In context, Moses is warning Pharaoh that if he does not let the Israelites go, the plague of hail will come. He tells Pharaoh that he could have avoided the plagues if he had respected God earlier, saying “I know that you still do not fear the Lord God.” Then he states, “the earth is the Lord’s.” This simple but profound statement – the earth is the Lord’s – conveys a few key truths: 1. God is…

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