Author: Tim Collings

Voodoo is a religion that originated in West Africa and developed further in Haiti and other areas of the Caribbean. It involves belief in a supreme creator god, a large pantheon of lesser spirits, magic rituals, possession trances, and animal sacrifice. Adherents of Voodoo seek to interact with the spirits for guidance, healing, protection and to influence events in the material world. Spirit possession and animal sacrifice play a central role in many Voodoo ceremonies. The Bible does not directly mention Voodoo by name, since Voodoo developed long after the Bible was written. However, the Bible has much to say…

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The way Christians conduct themselves can have a profound impact on how non-believers view Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. According to the Bible, Christians are called to live in a way that honors God and reflects His love, grace, and truth to the world around them. Here are some key points from Scripture about why Christian conduct matters: 1. Christians are ambassadors for Christ The Bible says that Christians are Christ’s ambassadors and representatives here on earth (2 Corinthians 5:20). As ambassadors, the way Christians speak and act reflects directly on the One they claim to follow. Unbelievers watch…

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Empathy is a critical aspect of being human. At its core, empathy involves being able to understand and share in the feelings and experiences of others. The Bible has a great deal to say about empathy and its importance in living a Christ-like life. The most fundamental teaching on empathy in the Bible comes from Jesus himself. When asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus replies, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). To truly love others, we must be able to empathize with them and consider their needs and feelings as we would our own. The apostle…

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The Massacre of the Innocents is an episode of infanticide recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:16-18). According to this account, Herod the Great, the Roman-appointed King of the Jews, ordered the execution of all young male children in the vicinity of Bethlehem in an attempt to eliminate the child Jesus, whose birth had been announced to him by the Magi. The Magi, having been directed to Bethlehem by a star that announced the birth of a king of the Jews, alerted Herod of this threat to his throne. Herod directed them to locate the child in Bethlehem, and…

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Nominalism is a philosophical view that rejects the existence of universal concepts, abstract objects, or other entities that exist independently from particular instances. The word “nominalism” comes from the Latin nomen, meaning “name.” For nominalists, only individual or particular things exist, not abstract universals like “humanity,” “truth,” or “justice.” According to nominalism, these abstract concepts are merely names or words that we apply to individual things. They have no independent existence outside of the human mind. The various forms of nominalism have differed over what things or individuals exist, but they share a rejection of realism, which asserts that abstract…

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Surrendering to God is a key theme throughout the Bible. Here are some key Bible verses about surrendering our lives, plans, desires, and futures to God: 1. Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV) This oft-quoted verse reminds us that we are to fully rely on and submit to God’s perfect will and timing, rather than trying to control life ourselves. We are to…

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Leaven is used frequently throughout the Bible as a symbol. Understanding what leaven represents can give us deeper insight into key biblical themes and passages. At its most basic level, leaven (or yeast) is an agent that causes bread dough to rise. When yeast is mixed into dough and allowed to sit, it ferments and spreads throughout the dough, creating pockets of gas that make the dough expand in size. This is what allows bread to become light and fluffy. Biblically, leaven is used symbolically in both positive and negative ways. Here are some of the key things leaven can…

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Conditional security is the belief that a Christian’s salvation can be lost if they fail to persevere in faith and obedience. This view stands in contrast to the doctrine of eternal security (also known as “once saved, always saved”), which teaches that true believers can never lose their salvation. Those who hold to conditional security believe several key points from Scripture support their perspective: Warnings Against Falling Away There are many passages in the New Testament that warn believers about falling away from the faith. For example: “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving…

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Should a Christian Work as a Bartender? The question of whether a Christian should work as a bartender is one that does not have a definitive yes or no answer according to the Bible. There are several factors to consider when evaluating if this type of work would be appropriate for a follower of Christ. Looking at principles from Scripture can help provide wisdom and guidance when making this decision. The Role and Responsibilities of a Bartender First, it is important to understand what the day-to-day responsibilities of a bartender entail. A bartender’s main roles include taking drink orders, preparing…

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Murder is an unfortunately common theme throughout the Bible, as humans have struggled with anger, jealousy, and violence since Creation. The Bible makes it clear that murder is a grievous sin, but also offers hope and redemption even for murderers. Here is an overview of some notable Bible verses about murder: The Commandment Against Murder The most famous Bible verse about murder is one of the Ten Commandments: “You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13, ESV). This straightforward commandment forbids the unjust taking of human life. The Hebrew word used here specifically refers to criminal homicide, not to killing in war…

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