Author: Tim Collings

The terms BC and AD are used when referencing years in the Gregorian calendar, the calendar system used in most parts of the world today. BC stands for “Before Christ” and AD stands for “Anno Domini”, a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of our Lord”. Years before 1 AD are labeled BC (or B.C.), meaning “before Christ”. For example, 800 BC indicates 800 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. The year 1 BC was immediately followed by AD 1. There was no year zero in between the two designations. Years following 1 AD are labeled AD, meaning “in…

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The Bible has a lot to say about the devil, who is also referred to as Satan, the tempter, the accuser, the evil one, the god of this world, the ruler of this world, the prince of the power of the air, and the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. Though the devil seeks to deceive people and lead them astray, the Bible assures us that God has ultimate power over him and that his defeat is certain. The devil’s origin and fall The Bible reveals that the devil was originally an angel created by…

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Death is an inevitable and mysterious part of the human experience. For Christians, the Bible provides comfort, wisdom, and truths about death and the afterlife. Here is an overview of some notable Bible passages that discuss death: Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 – There is a time for everything, including death Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there are seasons to life. Death, like birth, is part of God’s design: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up…

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Who was Martin Bucer? Martin Bucer was an important Protestant reformer in the 16th century. He was born in 1491 in Schlettstadt, Alsace. Bucer studied theology and joined the Dominican Order, but left it in 1521 after reading some of Luther’s works and adopting Protestant beliefs. He became a leader of the Reformation in Strasbourg, where he was appointed as a pastor. Bucer sought to find compromise positions between Luther and Zwingli on doctrinal issues like the Eucharist. He tried to unite Protestants and avoid divisions. Bucer also advocated for church discipline and moral reforms in Strasbourg. He contributed to…

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The intertestamental period, also known as the Second Temple period, refers to the time between the Old Testament and New Testament, roughly 400 years. This was an incredibly significant time in biblical history that saw major cultural and political changes for the Jewish people. After the Old Testament ends with the return of the Jews from Babylonian exile, the Persian empire allowed the Jews to return to Judah and rebuild the temple. This Second Temple was completed in 516 BC. Under Persian rule, the Jews were allowed to practice their religion freely. However, there were still no Davidic king reigning.…

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The Bible has a lot to say about alcohol and its effects. Here is an overview of some key Bible verses that discuss alcohol and drinking: Verses Warning Against Drunkenness and Excessive Drinking Several verses warn against drunkenness and excessive drinking: “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18) “Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy.” (Romans 13:13) “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the…

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The church at Antioch has a significant history and played an important role in the early Christian church. Here is an overview of the origins, growth, and influence of the church at Antioch: Origins of the Church at Antioch The church at Antioch was one of the earliest Christian congregations established outside of Judea and Jerusalem. According to Acts 11:19-21, believers who fled Jerusalem after the martyrdom of Stephen traveled as far as Antioch sharing the gospel. Many Gentiles turned to the Lord and a thriving church was established. The foundation of the Antioch church is usually dated to around…

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The Shroud of Turin is a 14.3 foot by 3.7 foot linen cloth that bears the faint image of a man who appears to have been crucified. For centuries, some have claimed it to be the authentic burial shroud of Jesus Christ, while others have dismissed it as a medieval forgery. What does the Bible have to say about the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin? The Bible does not explicitly mention the Shroud of Turin. However, there are a few biblical principles we can apply when evaluating the Shroud: 1. The Bible focuses on Jesus’ resurrection, not burial artifacts…

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A Bible handbook is a reference book that provides readers with key information and insights about the Bible in a concise and accessible format. Bible handbooks serve as a guide to help people better understand the overall narrative, themes, history, and context of the Bible. They give readers a broad overview of the Bible’s structure, contents, background, and meaning. Some key things a Bible handbook typically contains: Book Overviews A Bible handbook will provide brief summaries and overviews for each book of the Bible. These overviews highlight key events, characters, themes, purposes, and unique aspects of each biblical book. They…

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What are some Bible verses about respect? Respect is an important virtue emphasized throughout the Bible. There are many verses that discuss how we should respect others, whether it be our parents, authorities, spouses, neighbors, or even our enemies. Showing respect involves honoring others, being considerate of their needs and desires, and speaking to them with gentleness and grace. Here is an overview of some key Bible verses about respect: Respect for Parents and Authorities “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’ – which is the first commandment with a promise…

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