Author: Tim Collings

The heart is mentioned over 1,000 times in the Bible. It represents the core of our being, from which our thoughts, words, and actions flow. Here are some key Bible verses about the heart and what they reveal: The heart’s natural state “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) This verse teaches that the natural state of the human heart is corrupted by sin. Left unchecked, the heart is capable of deceit and wickedness. God examines the heart “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every…

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The question “Can God save me?” is one that many people wrestle with. At its core, it is asking if God has the desire and ability to rescue people from sin and grant eternal life. The Bible has much to say on this important topic. First, it is clear that all people need saving. According to Scripture, every human being has sinned and falls short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Sin separates us from a holy God and leads to spiritual death (Isaiah 59:2; Romans 6:23). Left in this state, we remain under God’s condemnation and wrath (John 3:36). So…

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The open heaven concept refers to the biblical idea that under certain conditions, heaven opens up and God’s presence, blessing, and revelation are poured out on the earth. This concept is found throughout Scripture and points to the spiritual reality that what happens on earth can be influenced by the activity of heaven. The first mention of an open heaven is in Genesis 28, where Jacob has a dream of a ladder stretching from earth up to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it. When Jacob awakes, he declares, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did…

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King Jehoshaphat was one of the righteous kings of Judah mentioned in the Old Testament. He was the son and successor of King Asa, and he reigned in Jerusalem for 25 years, from approximately 873 to 849 BC. Jehoshaphat is introduced in 1 Kings 15:24 as the son of Asa, and his story is told primarily in 1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 17-20, and 2 Kings 3. Here are some key facts about King Jehoshaphat found in Scripture: He was 35 years old when he became king of Judah, and he reigned for 25 years in Jerusalem (1 Kings 22:42).…

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The biblical patriarchs are the fathers of the Israelite people, according to the Hebrew Bible. They are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God made a covenant with each of these men, promising to make their descendants into a great nation if they followed God’s laws. Abraham Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish people. He was originally named Abram, but God changed his name to Abraham as a symbol of the covenant between them (Genesis 17:5). Abraham was called by God to leave his home in Ur and travel to the land of Canaan, which God promised to give to…

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Emperor Domitian, who ruled the Roman Empire from 81-96 AD, had a significant impact on early Christianity. Here is an overview of Domitian’s reign and how it affected the early Christian church: Persecution of Christians Domitian initiated the first official persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. Prior to Domitian, persecution had been localized and sporadic, but Domitian made it Empire-wide policy. The Book of Revelation refers to Domitian as “the Beast” who forces people to worship the image of the Emperor (Revelation 13:14-15). Church tradition records that the apostle John was exiled to Patmos during Domitian’s reign, where he…

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Finding a Godly Christian girlfriend is an important endeavor for a Christian man seeking to honor God in all areas of life, including relationships. Here are some key biblical principles to look for when considering a potential Christian girlfriend: She Loves God Above All Else A Christian girlfriend’s love for God should be evident in how she speaks about Him and prioritizes knowing Him through prayer, Bible study, and involvement in a Bible-believing church (Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37). Her heart is devoted fully to the Lord, not divided in loyalty between God and idols (Exodus 20:3). She Seeks to Obey…

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Obedience to God is a theme that runs throughout the Bible. Here are some key Bible verses about obedience from both the Old and New Testaments: Old Testament Verses on Obedience Deuteronomy 11:26-28 – “See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse— the blessing if you obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the LORD your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.” 1 Samuel 15:22 – “But…

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The Recovery Version of the Bible is a unique translation and study Bible published by Living Stream Ministry. It contains numerous study aids designed to aid believers in their growth in the divine life and their understanding of the truths in God’s Word. Some key features of the Recovery Version include: Translation Based on the Original Languages The Recovery Version was translated directly from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The translators sought to convey the original meaning of the text rather than utilizing dynamic equivalence translation principles. The result is a very literal translation that stays faithful to…

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In John 21, Jesus asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Each time, Peter responds, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” After each affirmation of love, Jesus tells Peter, “Feed my lambs,” or “Tend my sheep,” or “Feed my sheep.” This conversation comes after Peter has denied knowing Jesus three times before His crucifixion. The threefold questioning of Peter’s love counteracts his earlier threefold denial. By telling Peter to “feed my lambs” and “tend/feed my sheep,” Jesus is commissioning Peter to care for and spiritually nourish Christ’s followers. As one of the twelve disciples and a leader…

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