Author: Tim Collings

Araunah the Jebusite is a biblical figure who is mentioned in 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21. He was a Jebusite who owned a threshing floor on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. This threshing floor later became the site where Solomon’s Temple was built. The name “Araunah” means “arkite” or “native of Aruna”. Aruna was another name for Jerusalem during the Jebusite period before it was conquered by King David. So Araunah was likely a Jebusite chieftain or leader in Jerusalem before David’s conquest. Araunah first appears in the biblical narrative during the reign of King David. David had sinned…

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The concept of bearing one another’s burdens comes from Galatians 6:2, which says “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” This verse teaches an important truth about how Christians are called to love and support each other. The key word in this verse is “burdens.” In the original Greek, it refers to heavy loads or troubles that are difficult to carry alone. We all face burdens in life – sickness, financial problems, relationship issues, addictions, grief, and so on. These are not things we can or should bear alone. God did not design us to live…

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The topic of purity rings is one that elicits strong opinions from both Christians and non-Christians alike. A purity ring is a ring symbolizing a vow to remain sexually abstinent until marriage. It is most commonly worn by young Christians who want to commit themselves to sexual purity. But should Christians wear purity rings? Let’s explore what the Bible has to say. The Biblical Call to Sexual Purity First and foremost, the Bible clearly calls Christians to pursue sexual purity and abstinence from sexual immorality. Passages like 1 Corinthians 6:18 tell us to “flee from sexual immorality.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5…

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The book of Philemon is a short letter written by the apostle Paul to Philemon, a wealthy Christian who lived in Colossae. Though only 25 verses long, Philemon provides valuable insights into Christian relationships and attitudes. Here is a summary of the key events and themes of this important book: Background Paul wrote this letter while he was imprisoned in Rome around AD 60-62 (Philemon 1:1). Philemon was a Greek citizen wealthy enough to own slaves, one of whom was Onesimus. Though Philemon became a Christian under Paul’s ministry, his slave Onesimus had wronged him in some way and fled…

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The Children’s Crusade was a tragic and misguided movement in the early 13th century, where thousands of children and adolescents from France and Germany set out on a journey to reclaim the Holy Land. While the intentions were noble, the crusades ended in disaster and did not achieve their goals. Here is an overview of this complex historical event. Background on the Crusades The Children’s Crusade took place amidst the backdrop of the broader Crusades – a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Catholic Church to reclaim control of the Holy Land from Muslim forces. The First Crusade took…

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Sadness is a universal human emotion that we all experience at times in life. Even people of great faith in the Bible struggled with feelings of sadness, despair and depression. Thankfully, God’s Word contains many passages that can encourage and strengthen those going through seasons of sadness. Here are some key Bible verses about sadness to meditate on: Psalms in times of sorrow The Book of Psalms contains numerous cries to God in times of sorrow and sadness. David and other psalmists pour out their hearts to God, asking for comfort, strength and hope when overwhelmed with sadness. Examples include:…

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The Book of Sirach, also known as the Wisdom of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus, is a wisdom book found in the collection of writings known as the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical books of the Bible. It was written by a Jewish scribe named Yeshua ben Sira who lived in Jerusalem during the second century BC. Though not part of the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Sirach was included in early Greek and Latin translations of the Old Testament and has remained part of the Bible for Catholic and Orthodox Christians. The Book of Sirach contains a collection of ethical teachings, practical wisdom,…

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Utopianism is the belief in or pursuit of a perfect society. It typically involves the envisioning of a future society that is vastly improved compared to present realities. Those who advocate utopian ideas are known as utopians. The concept of utopia – meaning “no place” in Greek – was first coined by Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book Utopia. More described an imaginary island society that enjoyed a perfect socio-political system. This fictional work gave rise to a whole genre of utopian literature that imagined ideal commonwealths and perfect worlds. While utopias are unrealistic by definition, they have inspired…

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Parenting is one of the most important yet challenging roles in life. The Bible provides a wealth of wisdom and guidance for Christian parents seeking to raise their children in a godly manner. Here is an overview of some key Bible passages about parenting and child-rearing: Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” This oft-quoted verse stresses the importance of establishing a strong spiritual and moral foundation in one’s children from an early age. Parents are exhorted to make…

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The Bible has a lot to say about asylum seekers and refugees. God cares deeply for displaced people and commands His followers to welcome and care for them. Here is an overview of some key biblical principles regarding asylum: 1. God calls His people to love foreigners and strangers In the Old Testament, God reminds the Israelites that they were once mistreated foreigners in Egypt, so they should be kind to foreigners living among them (Exodus 22:21, Exodus 23:9, Leviticus 19:33-34). God makes clear that the foreigner should be treated with justice, mercy, and compassion. In the New Testament, Christians…

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