Author: Tim Collings

Are Jews Saved Because They are God’s Chosen People? This question touches on an important theological debate regarding salvation and God’s relationship with the Jewish people. Throughout history, some have argued that Jews receive automatic salvation simply by virtue of being God’s “chosen people.” However, a closer examination of Scripture reveals that the issue is more complex. In the Old Testament, God does refer to the Israelites as His “chosen people” on several occasions (Deuteronomy 7:6; 14:2; Psalm 135:4). He granted them special privileges, called them to live according to His laws, and promised to bless them if they remained…

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Neoplatonism is a school of thought in philosophy that arose in the 3rd century AD and was heavily influenced by the teachings of Plato and earlier Platonists. At its core, Neoplatonism taught that there is a supreme, perfect, and transcendent reality which could be grasped through philosophical contemplation. Some key teachings of Neoplatonism include: The Hierarchy of Reality Neoplatonists believed that there is a hierarchy of being from the highest most perfect reality (the One) down to the physical world. At the top of this hierarchy is the One, the supreme source of all existence, which is utterly simple, perfect,…

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Judaism is the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions and is the religion, philosophy, and way of life of the Jewish people. At its core, Judaism has a monotheistic faith centered around the belief in one God, who is the creator and ruler of the universe. Jews believe that God established a covenant with Abraham, the patriarch of Judaism, and made a promise that Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation. This covenant was reaffirmed with Isaac, Jacob and later Moses, through whom God gave the Torah, or divine law, to the Jewish people. The Torah consists of the Five…

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The saying that “the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath” comes from Mark 2:27, where Jesus declares this truth as he confronts the Pharisees over their strict Sabbath regulations. This profound statement provides key insight into the true purpose and meaning of the Sabbath day. To fully understand what Jesus meant, we need to first examine the background context. In Mark 2, Jesus and his disciples are walking through grainfields on the Sabbath day. Being hungry, the disciples begin plucking heads of grain to eat. However, the Pharisees self-righteously criticize them, insisting this constitutes “work”…

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The question of whether a Christian should study philosophy is an important one. On the one hand, philosophy often deals with questions about the nature of truth, morality, and meaning – issues that are clearly relevant for Christians. Additionally, many great Christian thinkers throughout history, such as Augustine, Aquinas, and Pascal, were also philosophers who articulated and defended the faith philosophically. However, philosophy can also be dangerous. Much of philosophy relies on human reason alone, without revelation, and thus philosophers often come to anti-Christian conclusions. Additionally, philosophical thinking can sometimes be speculative or lead people astray into falsehood. So is…

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Jehovah’s Witnesses are members of a Christian religious movement who believe in and follow the teachings of the Bible. The name “Jehovah’s Witness” comes from Isaiah 43:10 in the Bible which states “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.” They view themselves as witnesses of Jehovah, the personal name of God. Some key beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses include: God: There is one almighty God named Jehovah who is the Creator and Supreme Being. Jesus is God’s son, but not…

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Gossip is a common issue that many churches face. The Bible has a lot to say about gossip and how the church should address it. This article will provide an in-depth look at what the Bible teaches about gossip and how churches can deal with it in a godly manner. What Does the Bible Say About Gossip? The Bible clearly condemns gossip and reveals its destructive nature. Here are some key verses about gossip: “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.” (Proverbs 11:13) “A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.”…

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The book of Psalms is an anthology of 150 sacred songs, hymns, and prayers addressed to God. It is divided into five books, which mirror the five books of the Law of Moses (the Pentateuch). Here is a summary of the five-fold division of the Psalms: Book 1 – Psalms 1-41 The first book of Psalms parallels Genesis and the early history of Israel. It shows God’s provision and protection of His people during the wilderness wanderings after the Exodus. Key themes include God’s blessing on the righteous, meditating on God’s law, God as a refuge, redemption from enemies, and…

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Perez is a figure mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible. He was the son of Judah and Tamar, and the twin brother of Zerah. Perez’s story is recounted in Genesis chapter 38. To summarize, Judah had three sons – Er, Onan and Shelah. Judah arranged for his oldest son Er to marry a woman named Tamar. However, Er was wicked and died young. As was custom at the time, Judah then gave Tamar to his second son Onan. But Onan also died. Judah was reluctant to give Tamar to his third son Shelah until he was older. In…

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The topic of whether angels can die is an interesting one that the Bible addresses. Angels are spiritual beings created by God, but unlike humans, they do not seem to experience physical death. However, there are passages in the Bible that indicate angels can be destroyed or “die” in a spiritual sense. Angels were created by God before the creation of the physical universe (Job 38:4-7). They were created holy and without sin, but some rebelled against God and fell into sin. Jude 1:6 refers to angels who did not stay within their proper dwelling place and 2 Peter 2:4…

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