Author: Tim Collings

The phrase “Babylon the Great has fallen” appears in Revelation 18:2 and refers figuratively to the downfall of a great but corrupt city/civilization. Let’s explore the significance behind this prophecy. Background on Babylon in the Bible In the Bible, “Babylon” is sometimes used as a symbolic name for cities/civilizations that opposed God and His people. The Old Testament refers to the actual ancient city of Babylon that conquered Judah and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC (2 Kings 25). However, in the New Testament, “Babylon” takes on a figurative meaning. The Book of Revelation contains several references to “Babylon the Great”…

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This is a topic that many Christians wonder about when studying biblical end times prophecy. The Antichrist is a key figure that will arise in the end times, and his coming seems to be preceded by the rapture of the church. So will believers in Jesus see the Antichrist come to power before they are taken to heaven in the rapture? Or will the rapture occur first, sparing Christians from experiencing the tribulation and reign of the Antichrist? Here is an in-depth look at what the Bible says about the timing of the rapture in relation to the revealing of…

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The Bible does not give a definitive yes or no answer to whether we will eat food in heaven. However, there are some clues that suggest we may enjoy eating in the afterlife. At the same time, our resurrected bodies will be different than our current earthly bodies, so eating may not be necessary for sustenance. Ultimately, God has prepared wonders beyond our imagination for heaven, so we can trust heaven will be a place of great joy, whatever it contains (1 Corinthians 2:9). Here are some key points from Scripture related to this question: 1. Jesus ate food after…

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Dreams are mysterious experiences that occur during sleep. While science has attempted to study dreams, much remains unknown about their purpose and meaning. This includes sexual dreams, which many people have at some point in life. What does the Bible say about sexual dreams? Are they inherently sinful experiences that reflect lustful desires? Or are they mostly outside of our control as natural products of the subconscious mind? A comprehensive look at Scripture reveals that having an occasional sexual dream is not necessarily sinful in and of itself. However, there are some important biblical principles to keep in mind when…

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Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind in silence or on a mantra or text in order to increase awareness, relax the body and mind, and connect more deeply with God. The Bible has a few things to say about meditation and its role in the spiritual life of believers. The most common Hebrew word translated as “meditate” in the Old Testament is hāgâ, which means to murmur, mutter, speak in an undertone, or ponder something deeply. When the Bible refers to meditation, it is often in the context of deeply reflecting on or thinking about God’s word…

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Is it a sin for a Christian to go to a strip club or to watch strippers? The Bible does not specifically mention strip clubs or strippers. However, it does provide principles that can help Christians think through this issue. Here is an overview of 9000 words on what the Bible teaches related to lust, sexual immorality, objectification of women, and other potential concerns with strip clubs. Lust and Sexual Immorality Several Bible verses warn against lust and sexual immorality. For example: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that…

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Blue laws are laws that restrict or ban certain activities on Sundays, which is traditionally observed as the Christian Sabbath day of rest and worship. The term “blue laws” originated in the 18th century, though the laws themselves date back much earlier. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about blue laws and Sunday observance: The Old Testament provides the background for the concept of Sabbath rest. The fourth of the Ten Commandments given to Moses states: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh…

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The question of whether God is evil is a complex theological issue that has been debated for centuries. At the heart of this debate is the problem of evil and suffering in the world. If God is all-powerful and all-good, why is there so much evil and suffering? This article will examine what the Bible has to say about the goodness and justice of God in light of the reality of evil. To begin, it is important to establish what the Bible says about the nature and character of God. Scripture repeatedly affirms that God is good, righteous, holy, and…

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Catherine of Siena was a 14th century Italian Dominican tertiary who lived from 1347-1380. She was known for her mystical visions and prophecies, as well as her work helping the poor and sick. Catherine devoted herself to prayer from a young age and joined the Dominican Third Order at age 16. She reported having many visions of Christ and conversations with him during her periods of deep prayer. These visions shaped her religious convictions and inspired her service to the Church. The Bible does not directly mention Catherine of Siena, as she lived centuries after the biblical texts were written.…

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Process theology is a school of thought within contemporary theology based on the metaphysical philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. It emphasizes God’s relationship with and involvement in the world, viewing God as dipolar rather than impassible. God is seen as having both a primordial and consequent nature, engaging in a process of creative transformation and working with the world based on persuasive power rather than coercion. Background on Process Philosophy Process philosophy was developed by Alfred North Whitehead in the early 20th century. Drawing on insights from mathematics, physics, and metaphysics, Whitehead conceived of reality as a series of experiential…

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