Author: Tim Collings

The concept of a “missing link” in human evolution has captivated both the scientific community and the general public for over a century. The term “missing link” refers to an hypothesized species that could help bridge the evolutionary gap between apes and early humans. While no definitive “missing link” has been universally agreed upon, important discoveries over the past few decades have shed light on potential transitional species. From a biblical perspective, the notion of a “missing link” stems from an evolutionary view of human origins that stands in contrast to the Genesis account. Genesis 1-2 presents God deliberately creating…

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Experiencing true freedom in Christ begins with understanding what freedom in Christ really means. At its core, freedom in Christ is freedom from sin and its consequences (Romans 6:18, 22). When we place our faith in Jesus, we are set free from slavery to sin and death. Christ forgives our sins and breaks the power that sin once held over us (Romans 6:6-7). As believers, we have been crucified with Christ and no longer live, but Christ lives in us (Galatians 2:20). This means we are free to live and walk in the newness of life in the Spirit, rather…

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The plan of salvation refers to God’s redemptive plan for humanity, from the fall of man to the final restoration of all things under Christ. It encompasses key doctrines related to sin, salvation, atonement, and eternal life. At its core, the plan involves God reconciling the world to Himself through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, humanity was created good and for communion with God (Genesis 1-2). However, through Adam’s disobedience, sin entered the world resulting in a broken relationship between God and man (Genesis 3; Romans 5:12). Left in this state,…

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Joel 2:13 says, “Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.” This verse calls us to sincere inner repentance rather than merely outward shows of repentance. Here is a detailed explanation of what it means to “rend your heart” according to the Bible. 1. Rending your heart means sincere, inward repentance In the Old Testament, the Israelites would often tear their clothes or put on sackcloth and ashes as outward signs of mourning, grief, and repentance…

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This well-known verse comes from Matthew 19:6, where Jesus says, “So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” It refers to God’s intention for marriage – that a husband and wife would become one, and no human should attempt to divide what God has united together. In the verses leading up to this statement (Matthew 19:3-9), Jesus is responding to a question from some Pharisees about divorce. They ask if it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason. Jesus points back to the creation…

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Owls are mentioned several times in the Bible, and there are some interesting symbolic meanings associated with them. Here is an overview of the owl’s significance in Scripture: Owls as symbols of desolation and ruin One of the most common symbolic meanings for the owl in the Bible is that it represents desolation, ruin, and judgment. For example: “But desert creatures will lie there, jackals will fill her houses; there the owls will dwell, and there the wild goats will leap about.” (Isaiah 13:21) “The hyenas will howl in its towers, and jackals in the pleasant palaces; its time is…

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This is a complex question that has been debated for centuries. To properly address it, we must first look at what the Bible says about morality, human nature, and the role of God in moral behavior. While the Bible makes clear that all humans are created in God’s image with an innate moral compass, it also teaches that mankind’s sinful nature often leads us astray from what is good and right. The Bible on Morality The Bible provides a moral framework centered around loving God and loving others (Matthew 22:37-39). God’s laws and commandments in Scripture give guidance on how…

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The pre-existence of Jesus Christ is a foundational doctrine of Christianity that affirms Jesus existed before his incarnation as a human being. This belief is rooted in several key biblical passages that reveal Jesus as the eternal Son of God, active and present with the Father before the creation of the world. Though the terminology “pre-existence” does not appear in Scripture, the concept is clearly taught throughout both the Old and New Testaments. There are several lines of biblical evidence for the pre-existence of Jesus: 1. Jesus is identified as the eternal Word of God who was with God in…

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Why are Christians opposed to marriage equality? The debate around marriage equality, sometimes called same-sex marriage, is a complex one that involves biblical interpretation, church tradition, and perspectives on human sexuality and relationships. Here is an overview of some of the key reasons why many Christians argue against extending legal marriage to same-sex couples. 1. Appeal to the creation narrative and “natural law” Many Christians point to the creation narrative in Genesis 1-2 to argue that God’s plan for marriage is between one man and one woman. They emphasize that God created woman from man to be his companion and…

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Obadiah was a prophet of God who lived in the 9th century BC. His name means “servant of the Lord” or “worshiper of Yahweh”. Obadiah is classified as one of the “Minor Prophets” in the Old Testament, meaning his book is relatively short compared to some of the other prophetic books. The Book of Obadiah is only 21 verses long, the shortest book in the Old Testament. Even though his book is short, Obadiah provides important messages from God that are still very relevant today. Obadiah’s Background The Bible tells us very little about Obadiah’s personal background. We don’t know…

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