Author: Tim Collings

A prayer labyrinth is a path marked out on the ground in a circular pattern that leads into the center and back out again. Walking the path of a labyrinth can be used as a spiritual practice of prayer and meditation. The twists and turns represent the circuitous journey of faith. Using a labyrinth for prayer and reflection has become increasingly popular in recent years among Christians of many denominations. The labyrinth design most commonly used is the medieval labyrinth laid into the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France dating back to around 1200 AD. This 11 circuit labyrinth pattern…

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A salt covenant is an ancient Middle Eastern tradition of sealing an agreement or covenant between two parties with salt. In the Bible, salt covenants are mentioned a few times, indicating the cultural significance of this custom in biblical times. Origins and Meaning of Salt Covenants The use of salt to ratify covenants and agreements dates back thousands of years in the Middle East. Salt was a precious commodity in ancient times, as it was difficult to obtain and was used as a preservative and seasoning. As such, salt took on symbolic meaning relating to value, loyalty, and commitment. When…

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A mantra is a sacred utterance, syllable, word, or group of words believed to have psychological, spiritual, and sometimes mystical power and properties in various religions. The term ‘mantra’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘manas’ meaning ‘mind’ and ‘tra’ meaning ‘vehicle’ or ‘instrument.’ So a mantra is literally an instrument of the mind used to transport one into deeper states of consciousness and awareness. In Christianity, mantras are not as explicitly discussed or prescribed as in some Eastern religions like Hinduism or Buddhism. However, Christians do employ sacred words and phrases in prayer and worship that function similarly to mantras.…

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The story of Bartimaeus is found in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10 verses 46-52. Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who sat by the roadside near Jericho. When he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, Bartimaeus began to cry out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Mark 10:47 ESV). Many people told Bartimaeus to be quiet, but he persisted in crying out to Jesus for mercy. Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called Bartimaeus, saying to him, “Take heart. Get up; he is calling you.” Bartimaeus threw off his cloak, sprang up, and came…

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A church constitution provides the foundational governance structure for a local church body. While the Bible does not provide exact specifics on what a church constitution should contain, there are some key elements that are important to include based on biblical principles and practical wisdom. Statement of Faith A statement of faith summarizes the key doctrinal beliefs held by the church (Ephesians 4:13). This provides clarity on issues such as the Trinity, the divine inspiration of Scripture, the depravity of man, and salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. The statement of faith should reflect the doctrinal…

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Obed was the son of Boaz and Ruth, the father of Jesse, and the grandfather of King David. He is mentioned in the genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1 and Luke 3. Though he is not a major figure in the Bible, Obed’s story shows God’s faithfulness across generations and how God used a non-Israelite woman, Ruth, to bring about the line of David leading to Jesus. Obed’s Family Background Obed was born to Boaz and Ruth in Bethlehem during the time of the judges (Ruth 4:13,17). Boaz was a wealthy Israelite landowner and kinsman-redeemer who took Ruth as…

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The Christian life is meant to be a life lived in intimate relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. It involves growth in Christlike character, obedience to God’s commands, service to others, prayer, worship, and sharing one’s faith. Here is an overview of key aspects of the Christian life according to the Bible: Following Jesus At the heart of the Christian life is following the example and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians are called to walk as Jesus walked (1 John 2:6) and obey His commands (John 14:15). This means repenting of sin, loving others, caring for the poor…

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Jesus walking on water is one of the most famous miracles described in the Gospels. This incredible event is recorded in three of the four Gospels – Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, and John 6:16-21. Let’s dive into the biblical accounts to understand the meaning and significance of this miracle. The Accounts of Jesus Walking on Water In Matthew 14, Jesus had just finished feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish. After dismissing the crowds, Jesus went up on a mountainside to pray while the disciples got into a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. As night…

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The vastness and complexity of the universe is a testament to the glory and power of God. Though the Bible does not specifically explain all of God’s reasons for creating such an immense cosmos, it does offer some clues as to why God chose to create far more than just the Earth. To Display His Glory and Creativity The sheer size and majesty of the universe brings glory to God by showcasing His infinite creativity and power. The billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars, did not have to exist for life on Earth. But God desired to create…

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Globalization is a complex phenomenon that involves the increased connectivity and interdependence of countries worldwide through the growth of technology, trade, finance, migration, and culture. As the world becomes more interconnected, Christians may wonder what the Bible teaches about globalization and how they should view this trend. There are differing perspectives among Christians on globalization. Some see it as a largely positive force that spreads economic opportunity, facilitates cultural exchange, and allows the gospel to reach more people. Others are more critical, expressing concern about economic inequality, loss of local culture and autonomy, and the promotion of materialism and secular…

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