Author: Tim Collings

Porcius Festus was a Roman procurator of Judea who served in this position from about AD 59 to 62. He is mentioned several times in the book of Acts in the New Testament. Here is an overview of what the Bible tells us about Porcius Festus: Festus Succeeded Felix as Procurator of Judea According to Acts 24:27, Porcius Festus succeeded Antonius Felix as procurator of the Roman province of Judea. Felix had served in this position for a number of years and kept the apostle Paul imprisoned in Caesarea for two years (Acts 24:27). With Felix replaced by Festus, the…

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Making Jesus the Lord of one’s life is the most important decision a person can make. It involves surrendering your will to His and committing to follow Him each day. Here is a biblical look at what it means to make Jesus Lord and how you can take this vital step. Repent of Your Sins The starting point is acknowledging you are a sinner in need of a Savior. Romans 3:23 says “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Sin separates us from a holy God, but Jesus came to bridge that gap. To make…

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The Celtic cross is a beloved symbol often associated with Celtic Christianity in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and other Celtic regions. This distinctive cross combines a traditional Christian cross with a ring surrounding the intersection. The circle is a pre-Christian Celtic design element symbolizing eternity and the sun. Over the centuries, the blending of this ancient pagan symbol with the cross took on new layers of meaning and significance. The origins of the Celtic cross can be traced back to the early Middle Ages when Christianity was spreading across the British Isles. Missionaries found the circle to be a non-threatening symbol…

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The question of whether God can lie is an important theological question. The Bible repeatedly emphasizes God’s truthfulness and honesty, which seems to imply that it would be against His nature to lie. However, some have questioned whether God’s omnipotence means He has the capability to lie if He chose to. Let’s look at what the Bible says about God’s truthfulness and whether He has the ability to lie. God is Truthful and Cannot Lie The Bible describes God as abundant in truth and faithfulness. Numbers 23:19 declares, “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of…

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Was Solomon Saved? The question of whether King Solomon was saved or not is an interesting one that many Bible students and scholars have debated over the years. There are arguments on both sides, with some believing Solomon clearly demonstrated saving faith while others pointing to passages that seem to indicate he fell away from the Lord later in life. Let’s dive into the biblical evidence surrounding Solomon’s spiritual state and see if we can draw any conclusions. Solomon’s Early Years When we first meet Solomon in the biblical account, there are some promising signs regarding his relationship with God.…

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The name Claudia appears only once in the Bible, in 2 Timothy 4:21, where Paul sends greetings to his fellow worker Claudia. However, little else is known about who exactly Claudia was from the biblical text alone. Here is the verse where Claudia is mentioned: “Do your best to come before winter. Eubulus greets you, as do Pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the brothers.” (2 Timothy 4:21 ESV) Based on the context, we can gather a few details about Claudia: She was likely a believer and part of the early Christian church, since Paul refers to her warmly…

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The question of whether we have an appointed time of death is an interesting biblical question. The Bible does not give a definitive yes or no answer, but provides some insights that can help us think through this issue. God’s sovereignty over life and death First, the Bible is clear that God is sovereign over life and death. Our lives are in His hands, and appointed by Him (Job 12:10, 14:5; Psalm 139:16; Acts 17:26). Several verses indicate that God has determined the length of our lives: “You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months…

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The prophet Ezekiel received a vision from God of a magnificent temple while he was in exile in Babylon. This temple, described in great detail in Ezekiel 40-48, has significant theological meaning for both Old Testament Israel and the church today. First, Ezekiel’s temple represents the presence of God dwelling with His people. The design of the temple emphasizes God’s holiness and distance from sinful humanity, with courts and barriers separating the inner sanctuary from the outside. Yet God desires to live among His people, promising to “make a covenant of peace with them” and “set my sanctuary in their…

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Prayer is vital to the Christian life. Through prayer, we communicate with God, bring our petitions and requests before Him, worship Him, and align our will with His. However, many believers struggle with being consistent and persistent in prayer. Prayerlessness is a real issue that hinders our relationship with God and spiritual growth. The Bible has much to say about the importance of prayer and warns against prayerlessness. Here is an overview of major biblical themes on this topic: 1. Prayerlessness demonstrates a lack of dependence on God Prayer is how we humbly recognize our need for God. Failing to…

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The exact date of Jesus’ birth is not stated in the Bible. However, there are some clues that point to the possibility that he was born in September rather than December. The Shepherds’ Fields In Luke 2:8, it is mentioned that shepherds were staying out in the fields near Bethlehem, keeping watch over their flocks at night. This would likely not have occurred in Judea in December, when the weather is cold. Meteorologists have looked at historical records and determined that the temperatures in December would often drop below freezing at night, making it unlikely the shepherds would be outside…

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