Author: Tim Collings

Sexting, the act of sending sexually explicit messages or images electronically, has become increasingly common in our technology-driven world. However, many Christians wrestle with whether this practice is sinful according to biblical principles. While the Bible does not explicitly mention sexting, it provides relevant guidance on related issues of sexuality, lust, and purity. Examining these biblical themes can help Christians think through the ethics of sexting. What Does the Bible Say About Sexuality? The Bible teaches that sex is a gift from God meant to be enjoyed within the covenant of marriage between a husband and wife (Genesis 2:24-25, Proverbs…

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Loving God is a complex topic that involves elements of emotion, feeling, and decision. According to the Bible, humans have an innate desire and capacity to love and connect with God, but realizing that love requires intentionality and commitment. Let’s explore what the Bible says about the nature of loving God. Loving God involves emotion Our ability to love emanates from being created in the image of a relational God who expresses perfect love within the Trinity (Genesis 1:27, John 17:23-26). As emotional beings, we long for intimate connection with our Creator. When we encounter God’s goodness, we respond emotionally…

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The Bible does not explicitly state whether Jesus laughed or had a sense of humor during his earthly ministry. However, based on the scriptural evidence, it seems likely that Jesus did laugh and use humor at times, though likely in a tempered way that was fitting for his spiritual mission and role as the Son of God. Here are several reasons why Jesus likely laughed and had a sense of humor at times: Jesus experienced the full range of human emotions. The Gospels show Jesus expressing qualities like compassion, sadness, anger, and joy. Laughter seems consistent with the range of…

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The Bible contains many references to weights and measures that were used in ancient times. While we use different standard systems today, like the metric system and imperial system, it can be helpful to understand the biblical units in terms of our modern equivalents. This gives us a better sense of the quantities and dimensions described in the Bible. Length Cubit The cubit was a standard unit of length in the ancient Near East, including ancient Israel. It was based on the length of a man’s forearm. There were several cubit measurements, but the two most common were the royal…

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Warren W. Wiersbe was an influential American pastor, Bible teacher, and author who lived from 1929 to 2019. He pastored several churches and wrote over 150 books, many of which provided practical explanations and application of the Bible. Here is an overview of Wiersbe’s life and ministry: Early Life and Ministry Warren Wiersbe was born on May 16, 1929 in East Chicago, Indiana. He trusted in Christ as his Savior at age 14 through the ministry of Youth for Christ. Wiersbe felt called to full-time Christian ministry at a young age. He attended Indiana University and later transferred to Roosevelt…

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Satan being called the “father of lies” in John 8:44 provides key insight into the deceptive nature of the devil. This verse comes in the context of Jesus having a heated debate with some of the Jewish religious leaders who opposed him. Jesus told them that they were of their “father the devil” and that the devil “was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” So what does…

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The phrase “rest in peace,” commonly abbreviated as RIP, is a common expression used in relation to someone who has died. But is this phrase biblical? What does the Bible have to say about using RIP and what it means for those who have passed away? Let’s explore this topic in more detail. The Origin and Meaning of RIP The expression “rest in peace” or requiescat in pace in Latin, has been used in Christian contexts for centuries. It can be found inscribed on ancient Christian tombstones dating back to the 8th century. The phrase reflects the Christian belief that…

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The passage in John 20:17 records an intriguing encounter between the risen Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It says, “Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” This statement by Jesus has puzzled many readers over the years. Why did Jesus tell Mary not to cling to him? What did he mean by saying he had not yet ascended? There are a few key insights we can…

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# Does the European Union have anything to do with the end times? The Bible does not specifically mention the European Union or make direct prophecies about its role in the end times. However, some Bible scholars have looked at passages in Daniel and Revelation to suggest how a unified Europe could potentially relate to events preceding Christ’s return. Here is an overview of the main perspectives: ## The Revived Roman Empire View Some prophecy teachers see potential biblical significance in the European Union’s similarities with the ancient Roman Empire. In the book of Daniel, there are prophecies about four…

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Suffering is an inevitable part of the Christian life. Jesus himself said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 ESV). The apostles also taught that believers should expect trials and persecutions (1 Peter 4:12-14; 2 Timothy 3:12). However, the Bible makes it clear that not all suffering is for Christ. Here is an overview of what the Scriptures teach about suffering as a follower of Christ: Reasons for Suffering The Bible gives several reasons why Christians suffer: Persecution for righteousness – Being mistreated because of commitment to Christ (Matthew 5:10-12).…

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