Author: Tim Collings

An Evangelical Free church is a Protestant Christian church that belongs to the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) denomination. The EFCA was formed in 1950 as a merger of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church Association. Here are some key characteristics of Evangelical Free churches: Emphasis on the authority of Scripture – The Bible is viewed as the inspired, inerrant Word of God and the ultimate authority for faith and practice. Salvation through faith in Christ alone – Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone, not by good works or sacraments. Believer’s baptism…

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The land of Gilead is mentioned numerous times throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. It was a region east of the Jordan River, situated in what is now the country of Jordan. Though not always clearly defined, the general area of Gilead covered a large territory north of Moab and southeast of Bashan. The land was known for its fertile soil and abundant pastures, making it ideal for raising livestock. Major cities in Gilead included Jabesh-gilead, Ramoth-gilead, and Mahanaim. Several biblical figures and events are associated with this important region. In the Old Testament, Gilead first…

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Getting pregnant before marriage is a difficult situation for many couples to navigate from a spiritual perspective. This approximately 9000 word article will explore what the Bible says about premarital pregnancy and whether couples must get married if they find themselves expecting a child outside of wedlock. To start, the Bible does not directly address the scenario of an unmarried couple conceiving a child. Scripture upholds sexual intimacy within marriage (Hebrews 13:4) and condemns sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). However, the Bible does not outright forbid or condemn premarital pregnancy. The closest we come to a direct teaching is in…

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A michtam is a type of psalm found in the book of Psalms in the Bible. The Hebrew word “michtam” means “engraving” or “inscription.” There are six psalms that are specifically labeled as michtams: Psalm 16 Psalm 56 Psalm 57 Psalm 58 Psalm 59 Psalm 60 These psalms were written by David and have some common features that set them apart from other psalms: Authorship All six michtam psalms have superscriptions attributing them to David. David was known as the “sweet psalmist of Israel” (2 Samuel 23:1) because he authored so many of the psalms. The michtams capture different events…

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A quiet time, also known as a devotional time, refers to the practice of spending regular, intentional time alone with God in Bible reading, prayer, and meditation. Though not explicitly commanded in Scripture, the concept of a quiet time flows out of biblical principles about the importance of abiding in Christ, meditating on God’s word, and praying constantly. The Purpose of a Quiet Time The purpose of having a regular quiet time is to cultivate intimacy with God by making space to hear from Him through His word, respond back to Him in prayer, and reflect on biblical truth. Just…

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Is there any conclusive proof of God’s existence? This is a question that has been debated for centuries. While there are many philosophical arguments for and against God’s existence, there is no definitive scientific or empirical proof that will conclusively settle the debate one way or the other. The Bible itself does not attempt to logically prove God’s existence, but rather asserts and assumes His existence as a foundational truth. Here is an overview of some of the biblical perspective on evidence for God: Evidence from Design The Bible suggests that the intentionality and complexity of creation points to an…

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The phrase “the Lord said to my Lord” comes from Psalm 110:1, which says “The Lord says to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.'” This verse is quoted several times in the New Testament and it has significant theological implications. Here is an explanation of the meaning and significance of this verse: Two different uses of “Lord” The key to understanding this verse is that there are two different words translated as “Lord” – one is YHWH (the divine name of God) and the other is Adonai (meaning lord, master). So it…

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The concept of “soul mates” – two people who are perfectly compatible and meant to be together – is common in our culture. But what does the Bible say about whether soul mates really exist? The Bible does not specifically mention the concept of “soul mates.” However, it does have a lot to say about God’s design for marriage and relationships. 1. God created man and woman for companionship In Genesis 2:18, when God saw that Adam was alone and in need of a companion, He said “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make…

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The concept of “gates of hell” originates from a few key passages in the Bible that mention gates in reference to the realm of the dead or the powers of evil. Though the phrase “gates of hell” itself is not found verbatim in Scripture, it has become a common colloquial expression summarizing certain biblical teachings about the demonic and the afterlife. Examining the biblical evidence provides insight into what the “gates of hell” might refer to. Use of “Gates” as Access Points In ancient walled cities, gates served as access points and places where leaders made important decisions (Deuteronomy 16:18;…

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The word “arsenokoitai” appears in two verses in the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10. In 1 Corinthians 6:9, it is part of a list of sins that Paul says will keep people from inheriting the kingdom of God: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (ESV) In this verse, “men who practice homosexuality” is…

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