Author: Tim Collings

An apologist is someone who defends and justifies religious beliefs through reasoned arguments. The word “apologist” comes from the Greek word “apologia,” meaning to give a defense or justification. In Christianity, an apologist is someone who seeks to provide a rational basis for Christian doctrines and beliefs, defending them against objections and presenting evidence to support them. Some key aspects of Christian apologists and apologetics include: Defending the Faith A core goal of apologetics is defending the truth claims of Christianity. Apologists seek to show that belief in Christian doctrines is rational and withstands scrutiny. They respond to critiques of…

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The question of whether a backsliding Christian is still saved is an important one for many believers. To backslide means to slide back into old sinful habits and ways of life after professing faith in Christ and experiencing spiritual growth. Essentially, it is reverting to a former spiritual state. This raises concerns over whether someone is truly saved if they turn away from God after proclaiming Christ as Savior. There are different viewpoints among Christians on this issue. Some believe that if someone backslides to the point of completely renouncing Christ, they were likely never saved in the first place.…

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The Book of Common Prayer is the short title of a number of related prayer books used in the Anglican Communion, as well as by other Christian churches historically related to Anglicanism. The original book, published in 1549 in the reign of Edward VI, was a product of the English Reformation following the break with Rome. The work of 1549 was the first prayer book to include the complete forms of service for daily and Sunday worship in English. It contained Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, the Litany, and Holy Communion and also the occasional services in full: the orders for…

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Romans 7:14-25 has been the subject of much debate among Bible scholars regarding whether this passage is describing a believer or an unbeliever. Let’s take a close look at the text and examine the evidence on both sides of this issue. The Passage in Context First, it’s important to understand the broader context of Romans chapter 7. The apostle Paul has been explaining the relationship between the law and sin. He explains that the law actually stirs up sinful desires in people (Romans 7:5). The law is not itself sinful but reveals sin for what it is (Romans 7:7). Paul…

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The horns of the altar were an important part of the altar’s design and had deep spiritual significance for the ancient Israelites. Altars were used for making sacrifices to God, and the horns were an integral part of many sacrificial rituals. The prophet Amos references the horns of the altar in Amos 3:14, which provides insight into their meaning and purpose. Background on Altars and Sacrifice In the Old Testament, altars were built as places to make offerings and sacrifices to God. They were usually made of stone, earth, or bronze (Exodus 20:24-26). God provided instructions for building altars, including…

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The book of Ruth tells the story of Ruth, a Moabite woman, who married an Israelite named Boaz. However, Deuteronomy 23:3 states that no Ammonite or Moabite shall enter the assembly of the Lord, even to the tenth generation. This raises the question of whether it was against the Mosaic Law for Boaz, an Israelite, to marry Ruth, a Moabite. Let’s explore what the Bible says about this. Overview of Ruth and Boaz’s Story Ruth was originally from Moab but moved to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law Naomi after both of their Israelite husbands died (Ruth 1:1-5). As a foreign widow…

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Guile refers to deceit, cunning, or trickery. It involves misleading others through crafty words or actions. The Bible has much to say about guile and its sinful nature. Though guile may seem clever in the moment, God sees through it and opposes the proud and crooked ways of those who practice guile. Guile as Deceit and Cunning Several verses describe guile as deceitful and cunning behavior. For example, 1 Peter 2:1 says “Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.” Here, guile or deceit is linked to other sinful attitudes like malice…

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The Urantia Book is a spiritual and philosophical text that originated in Chicago sometime between 1924 and 1955. The authorship of the book remains a matter of speculation, as it was published anonymously under the title “The Urantia Papers”. The Urantia Book consists of 2,097 pages divided into four parts. It claims to “present enlarged concepts and advanced truth” regarding God, Jesus, spirituality, science, cosmology and the history and future of humankind. Among other topics, the book discusses the origins and meaning of life, the nature of God, and our place in the universe. Some of the main ideas presented…

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This is a difficult topic, but an important one to understand. The Bible includes some challenging passages that seem to suggest children who are stubbornly rebellious against their parents should be put to death. However, looking at the context and intent behind these verses provides wisdom on how to interpret and apply them today. The Key Old Testament Passages There are three main verses in the Old Testament that address children rebelling against their parents: Exodus 21:15 – “Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death.” (ESV) Exodus 21:17 – “Whoever curses his father or his…

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Becoming a Christian and starting the journey of faith can be an exciting and transformative experience. However, it can also be challenging to know how to grow spiritually and walk closely with God as a new believer. What does the Bible teach about the keys to growing and maturing in faith as a new follower of Jesus Christ? There are several important principles and practices that the Bible highlights as critical for spiritual growth. By embracing these biblical keys, new Christians can establish a strong spiritual foundation and thrive in their new life with Christ. Prioritize Reading the Bible One…

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