Author: Tim Collings

Isaiah 53:5 is one of the most well-known and poignant prophecies about the suffering of Jesus Christ. It says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” This verse teaches us that Christ’s suffering and death on the cross was to pay the penalty for our sins and bring us healing and restoration. To understand the full significance of this verse, we need to examine some key truths from Scripture: 1. All people are sinners who fall short of…

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God’s mercy is a central theme throughout the Bible. This profound statement in Exodus 33:19 offers insight into how God dispenses His mercy. When God says “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,” He is declaring His divine sovereignty and freedom to show compassion to whomever He chooses. What does this mean and why does God operate this way? A 9000 word examination of this topic provides illumination. First, we must understand what mercy means. In the original Hebrew, the word translated as “mercy” is checed and conveys goodness, kindness, faithfulness and love. God’s mercy reflects His…

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This is a question that many Christians ask themselves throughout their lives. At its core, God wants all people to have a relationship with Him and to follow His commandments. The Bible provides guidance on how to live a God-honoring life, but applying biblical principles to daily decisions can still be challenging. This article will explore what the Bible says about God’s desires for how we should live and make decisions. Develop a Relationship with God According to the Bible, the most important thing God wants from us is an intimate, personal relationship. God loves us deeply and desires that…

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The Bible records two separate occasions where Jesus cleansed the temple in Jerusalem. The first cleansing is described in John 2:13-22 and occurs early in Jesus’ ministry. The second cleansing is described in Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, and Luke 19:45-48 and occurs during Passion Week shortly before Jesus’ crucifixion. The first temple cleansing happened at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. John 2:13 says this occurred as the Passover was approaching. Jesus went to the temple and found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves along with money changers conducting business. John 2:14-16 describes Jesus driving them out, overturning tables, and telling…

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The story of Elijah and Jezebel is found in 1 Kings chapters 17-19. To understand why Elijah was afraid of Jezebel, we need to look at the background and context. Elijah was a prophet of God during the reign of King Ahab in Israel. Ahab had married Jezebel, a devoted worshipper of the pagan god Baal. Jezebel promoted the worship of Baal in Israel and persecuted the prophets of God. Elijah boldly challenged the prophets of Baal and called the people back to the worship of the true God (1 Kings 18). God showed His power and Elijah had the…

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The prophet Joel spoke of a time when “the sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes” (Joel 2:31). This vivid and startling imagery has puzzled Bible readers for centuries. What did Joel mean when he predicted this cosmic upheaval? To understand Joel’s prophecy, we first need to understand the context. Joel ministered to the southern kingdom of Judah in the 9th century BC. At the time, the nation was facing a terrible plague of locusts that had destroyed their crops and brought famine upon the land…

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The Gospel of Barnabas is a text that some Muslims believe contains the true story of Jesus (called Isa in Arabic). This gospel claims that Jesus was not crucified and instead Judas Iscariot took his place on the cross. It also depicts Muhammad as the messenger of God predicted by Jesus. However, there are good reasons for Muslims to be cautious about accepting the Gospel of Barnabas as authentic scripture. What is the Gospel of Barnabas? The Gospel of Barnabas is a medieval document written in Italian that purports to be an account of Jesus’ life told by his disciple…

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To be sacrilegious means to violate or misuse what is sacred. In a biblical context, it refers to treating holy things, such as God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, worship practices, etc., with irreverence or contempt. Some key things the Bible teaches about sacrilege include: Sacrilege is an offense against God The Bible makes clear that God is holy and sacred. He is set apart from all of creation. To be sacrilegious is to dishonor or defile what is holy to God (Leviticus 10:1-3). It is showing disrespect to God Himself. Examples of sacrilege The Bible contains many…

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The book of Joel contains powerful prophetic imagery and messages. One of the most vivid passages is Joel 1:4, which states: “What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten. What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten.” This verse describes different types of locusts devastating the land, leaving nothing behind. But was Joel speaking of literal locust plagues? And if so, when did this prophecy come to pass? Examining the Context of Joel 1:4 To properly understand any verse, we must first look at the…

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Corporate election refers to the biblical teaching that God has chosen a people for Himself throughout history. This doctrine is rooted in God’s sovereign choice to set His love upon and redeem a people for His own possession. The Bible speaks frequently of God’s election of Israel in the Old Testament. God chose Abraham and his descendants to be His special people through whom He would bless the nations (Genesis 12:1-3). Though all humanity fell in Adam, God set His redemptive purposes on Israel as an act of grace and love (Deuteronomy 7:6-9). His choice of Israel was for a…

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