Author: Tim Collings

The account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3 offers important lessons for all believers. In approximately 9000 words, here is an in-depth look at what we can learn from their courageous stand for God. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were three young Jewish men living in exile in Babylon. Along with Daniel, they were selected to be trained in Babylonian language, literature and science so they could serve in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court (Daniel 1:3-7). King Nebuchadnezzar had constructed a massive golden statue, 90 feet high and 9 feet wide, and commanded that all people bow down and worship this…

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The practice of being “slain in the Spirit,” also known as falling under the power, has been a controversial phenomenon in Christian circles for many years. Those who practice it believe that the Holy Spirit causes people to fall down, sometimes motionless, when someone lays hands on them and prays for them. This is often seen occurring in certain charismatic and Pentecostal church services or healing crusades. So what does the Bible say about this experience? Let’s explore the key questions around this topic. What does “slain in the Spirit” mean? “Slain in the Spirit” refers to the experience of…

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Spiritual mapping is the practice of identifying strongholds, sources of sin, and spiritual influences over a city or region for the purpose of focused intercession, informed spiritual warfare, and evangelism. It involves researching an area’s history to discern spiritual influences and strongholds that need to be addressed through prayer. The goal is to open up a region to the gospel by identifying and tearing down spiritual opposition. Background on Spiritual Mapping The phrase “spiritual mapping” began being used in the 1980s by Christian leaders involved in spiritual warfare and missions. The concept comes from the Bible, which speaks of invisible…

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Galatians 3:27 is a verse that is often brought up in discussions about baptism and salvation. It says, “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Some believe this verse teaches that baptism is required for salvation, while others do not. In this article, we will examine the verse in context, look at the meaning of key Greek words, and explore what other relevant Bible passages teach. This will help shed light on whether Galatians 3:27 teaches baptism is necessary for salvation. The Context of Galatians 3:27 First, it is important to understand the…

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As societies become more tolerant and accepting of different beliefs and lifestyles, Christians may find that some of their personal convictions come into conflict with prevailing social norms. This can raise difficult questions for Christians about how to live out their faith while respecting others. Here are some biblical principles to consider when Christian convictions clash with a tolerant society: 1. Examine your convictions in light of Scripture Not all convictions come directly from the Bible. Some may be based on church traditions, family values, or personal preferences. Christians should carefully examine the source of their beliefs and make sure…

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The transfiguration of Jesus is one of the key events recorded in the Gospels. It appears in Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, and Luke 9:28-36. During this event, Jesus’ appearance changed dramatically and became radiantly bright as He spoke with Moses and Elijah. God’s voice affirmed Jesus as His beloved Son. This miraculous happening held great meaning and significance for Jesus and His disciples. The Setting of the Transfiguration The transfiguration occurred toward the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, likely around A.D. 29-30. Jesus took three of His closest disciples – Peter, James, and John – up on a high mountain…

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Martin Luther’s 95 Theses were a list of propositions for academic debate that he posted to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517. This act sparked the Protestant Reformation and challenged the authority and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Here is an overview of the key points contained in Luther’s 95 Theses: Criticism of Indulgences A major focus of the 95 Theses was criticizing the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church. Indulgences were documents that offered remission of temporal punishment for sins committed. Several theses challenged the idea that the Pope had jurisdiction over…

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Being a co-heir or joint-heir with Christ is a profound and precious truth found in Scripture. It speaks to the incredible privilege and inheritance believers in Jesus have by virtue of being adopted into God’s family through faith. At its core, being a co-heir with Christ means sharing in all that belongs to Him as the true Son of God. This is an astounding reality for those who were once separated from God by sin. The concept of believers as co-heirs with Christ is directly taught in several New Testament passages. One of the clearest is Romans 8:16-17: “The Spirit…

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The Philistines and Israelites were ancient enemies that engaged in near constant warfare and conflict throughout much of Israel’s early history. There are a few key reasons why these two peoples were constantly at odds that the Bible highlights. They were competing for the same land The Philistines occupied the southern coast of Canaan along the Mediterranean Sea, while the Israelites inhabited the hill country immediately adjacent to Philistia. Both groups wanted to expand and control this territory situated between Egypt and the major empires to the northeast. The fertile coastal plain and hill country were ideal for agriculture and…

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In Matthew 7:6, Jesus says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” This verse has puzzled many Bible readers over the years. What did Jesus mean by this cryptic saying? Let’s take a closer look at the context and meaning of this verse. The Context Matthew 7:6 comes in the midst of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount. In this sermon, Jesus is teaching his disciples and the crowds about the kingdom of heaven and how…

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