Author: Tim Collings

What is the Jesus Seminar? The Jesus Seminar was a group of about 150 critical scholars and laymen founded in 1985 by Robert Funk under the auspices of the Westar Institute. The seminar was active until 2006. The main goal of the Jesus Seminar was to reconstruct the historical Jesus and separate the historical Jesus from the “Christ of faith” using the historical-critical method. The Jesus Seminar used colored beads to vote on whether Jesus said or did something attributed to him in the gospels. A red bead meant they believed Jesus did or said it, a pink bead meant…

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As a Hindu, you likely already have a rich spiritual life and deep faith. However, considering Christianity can be an opportunity for spiritual growth. Here are some reasons you may want to learn more about Christian beliefs: 1. Jesus Christ At the heart of Christianity is Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God and divine savior of humanity. Jesus was a Jewish teacher and healer who lived 2,000 years ago in what is now Israel and Palestine. According to the Bible, Jesus performed miracles, taught about love and forgiveness, and sacrificed himself for the sins of humankind.…

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The “day of Christ”, also known as the “day of the Lord”, refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ as described in the Bible. It will be a future time when Christ returns to earth in power and glory to judge the world and establish his eternal kingdom. Though the exact timing is unknown, several key aspects of the day of Christ are revealed in Scripture: It Follows a Time of Apostasy and Lawlessness Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that the day of Christ will not come until the “rebellion comes first” and the “man of lawlessness is revealed”…

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The Bible has much to say about the important topic of worship. At its core, worship is centered around revering and serving God. Scripture makes clear that worship is fundamental to our relationship with the Lord and vital for the life of faith. The Old Testament provides the foundation for understanding worship. In the Old Testament, worship was centered around the temple and tabernacle where sacrifices and offerings were made. The Psalms especially emphasize praising God through song, music, and dance. Worship involved both personal devotion and corporate gatherings of God’s people. However, Jesus revolutionized the concept of worship in…

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Jesus Christ stands unique among all religious leaders and historical figures in His identity, teachings, life, death and resurrection. Here is an overview of some of the key ways in which Jesus Christ is utterly unique: His Divine Identity Jesus claimed to be God Himself in human form – something no other major religious leader has done. He used divine names and titles for Himself, including the name of God “I AM” (John 8:58). He declared His oneness with the Father (John 10:30) and stated that “anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). Jesus exercised divine…

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The Edomites were the descendants of Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham (Genesis 25:19-34). Esau’s other name was Edom (Genesis 25:30), which came from the red lentil stew he traded his birthright for. The name Edom means “red.” Esau married two Hittite women which displeased his parents Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 26:34-35). Later, he married a daughter of Ishmael named Mahalath, hoping to gain favor with his parents (Genesis 28:8-9). Esau had five sons from his three wives – Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam and Korah (Genesis 36:4-5, 14-15). The descendants of Esau inhabited the…

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The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in a unique way. This does not mean that Jesus was created by God or came into existence at some point, as humans do. Rather, the Bible reveals that the Son has eternally existed with the Father and shares the same divine nature. Jesus’ sonship describes His special relationship with the Father and His authority to reveal God and redeem sinners. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God During His earthly ministry, Jesus frequently called God His Father and Himself the Son of God. When asked by the…

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The Bible does not give an exact date or time when Joseph and Mary were considered married. However, based on what the Bible does tell us, we can come to a general understanding of when their marriage began. The betrothal period In biblical times, Jewish marriage involved two major steps. The first was betrothal or engagement. This was more binding than modern engagements and required a divorce to break. Mary and Joseph were betrothed when Mary miraculously conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:27). They were not yet fully married. Time between conception and birth Mary conceived…

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The Assumption of Mary is a Roman Catholic doctrine that teaches that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was bodily taken up into heaven at the end of her earthly life. This belief has its roots in early Christian tradition and theology, which held that Mary was “assumed” into heaven to be reunited with her son Jesus. Though not explicitly recorded in Scripture, supporters believe it is implicitly referenced and foreshadowed. The bodily assumption of Mary was officially declared an infallible Catholic dogma by Pope Pius XII in 1950. The Assumption celebrates Mary’s role as the Mother of God and her…

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The Shakers, also known as the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, were a religious group that originated in 18th century England before migrating to America in the 1770s. The group was founded by Ann Lee, who came to be known as Mother Ann. She believed she was the incarnation of Christ in female form and that God dwelled within her. The Shakers believed in communal living, confession of sins, spiritual equality between the sexes, and celibacy. They were known for their simple living, industriousness, and furniture craftsmanship. The Shakers took their name from the ecstatic dancing and…

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