Author: Tim Collings

Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays around the world. For Christians, Christmas is a time to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure of the Christian faith. The Bible does not give an exact date for when Jesus was born, but provides some details that point to it likely being in the winter months. Here is an overview of what the Bible says about the birth of Jesus and the origins of celebrating Christmas. The Birth of Jesus Foretold in Scripture The Old Testament contains several prophecies about the coming of a Messiah, a savior for…

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Applied ethics refers to the practical application of moral considerations and judgments to address real-world ethical issues. Unlike theoretical ethics, which seeks to understand fundamental philosophical questions about morality and righteousness, applied ethics focuses on finding solutions to concrete moral dilemmas that arise in fields like medicine, business, politics, and technology. The Bible does not directly address many of the complex ethical issues that confront modern society. However, it does provide foundational moral principles that can inform an ethical analysis of real-world problems. When seeking to apply biblical ethics to issues like abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, or economic justice, Christians…

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The Bible has a lot to say about empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy is closely related to compassion, sympathy and love – all values that are central to the Christian faith. Here is an overview of some of the key Bible passages that discuss empathy and its importance: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) This famous parable told by Jesus illustrates the importance of having empathy for others, even those considered outsiders or enemies. In the story, a Samaritan man goes out of his way to help a Jewish…

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Nibiru is a hypothetical planet or star that some believe is described in the Bible. However, the evidence for Nibiru’s existence is ambiguous at best. Here is an overview of Nibiru and what the Bible may or may not say about it: Theories About Nibiru In ancient Mesopotamia, Nibiru was sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The Babylonians considered Nibiru to be Marduk’s star. Later, some theorists began to speculate that Nibiru was not just a star but a rogue planet that enters our solar system every few thousand years. One of the most prominent Nibiru theories comes from writer…

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The story of Micah and his idol in Judges 17-18 offers important lessons about idolatry, ungodly leadership, and spiritual complacency. At approximately 9000 words, this article will provide an in-depth look at this narrative to understand its meaning and application. Summary of the Account The account begins by introducing Micah, who stole silver from his mother but later returned it. Micah’s mother dedicated the silver to the Lord, and had some of it made into an idol which was placed in Micah’s house (Judges 17:1-6). Micah installed one of his sons as a personal priest for his shrine (Judges 17:5).…

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The question of whether God has a physical body is an interesting theological debate among Christians. The Bible does not give a definitive yes or no answer, but provides some clues that point in different directions. Ultimately, one’s view on this issue depends on how one interprets certain biblical passages about the nature of God. On one hand, there are verses that seem to depict God in physical, human-like terms. For example, Genesis 1:26-27 indicates that humans were made in the “image” and “likeness” of God. Exodus 33:22-23 describes Moses seeing the back of God. Daniel 7:9 portrays the “Ancient…

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Samson was one of the most famous judges and heroes of Israel during the time of the judges. He was known for his incredible physical strength, which he used to defend Israel against the Philistines. However, the true source of Samson’s legendary power has been a topic of much debate and speculation over the years. According to the Bible, Samson’s great strength came from God via his unique Nazirite vow. Samson was born to previously barren parents, who were told by an angel that their son would begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines (Judges 13:2-5). As per instructions from…

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Vanity and pride are sins frequently warned against in the Bible. While taking care of oneself physically is not inherently wrong, an unhealthy preoccupation with appearance can lead to vanity, which is condemned. The Bible encourages modesty and humility rather than an obsessive focus on outward beauty. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very…

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The concept of the sacred feminine refers to the divine feminine aspects of God in the Bible. It encompasses the nurturing, compassionate, and life-giving qualities of the feminine divine. The sacred feminine is not a separate goddess or deity, but rather sheds light on the fullness of God’s nature as reflected in feminine imagery and archetypes throughout Scripture. Some key aspects of the sacred feminine in the Bible include: Wisdom – Personified as a woman in Proverbs, the divine wisdom of God calls out and makes her voice heard (Proverbs 1:20-21, 8:1-3). She was present with God at creation (Proverbs…

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The Toronto Blessing refers to a religious revival that began in the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship church in Toronto, Canada in January 1994. It was characterized by manifestations of the Holy Spirit, including laughing, weeping, falling down, and making animal noises. People would become overwhelmed by the Spirit and lose control of their bodies. The Toronto Blessing quickly spread to churches worldwide and was a key part of the charismatic renewal movement of the 1990s. The origins of the Toronto Blessing can be traced to a meeting in October 1993 when Randy Clark, a pastor from the Vineyard church, was…

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