Author: Tim Collings

The idea of a “multiverse” – the existence of many universes beyond our own – has become increasingly popular in modern science and culture. While intriguing, this concept poses potential challenges to biblical beliefs about the uniqueness of our universe and God’s role as Creator. What does the Bible have to say about the possibility of multiple universes? The Bible does not directly address the concept of a multiverse, as this idea has emerged relatively recently from theoretical physics and cosmology. However, Scripture does provide some principles that can guide Christian thinking on this topic: God is the Sovereign Creator…

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Who was Billy Sunday? Billy Sunday was an American evangelist and baseball player who lived from 1862 to 1935. He was one of the most popular and influential preachers during the early 20th century and is well-known for his animated and energetic preaching style. Early Life and Baseball Career William Ashley “Billy” Sunday was born on November 19, 1862 in Ames, Iowa. His father died shortly after his birth and his mother had to send him to an orphanage in Glenwood, Iowa when he was 10 years old. While at the orphanage, Sunday worked at a nearby dairy farm and…

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This is an interesting question that many have wondered about over the years. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about the creation of Eve and whether it means men literally have one less rib than women. The Biblical Account of Eve’s Creation The story of Eve’s creation is found in Genesis 2. Here we read that God created Adam first out of the dust of the ground. After making the animals and birds, God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone. So He decided to make a “helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18).…

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The Catholic Church’s practice of granting marriage annulments has long been a source of debate and confusion among Christians. An annulment is a declaration by the Church that a marriage was never valid in the first place. It differs from divorce in that divorce declares a valid marriage to be terminated, whereas an annulment states that the marriage never truly existed. The Church points to various Scriptural sources to defend this practice. However, Protestants and other critics argue that it contradicts the Bible’s teaching on marriage indissolubility. What is a Catholic Marriage Annulment? According to the Catholic Church, a valid…

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The Bible is not arranged in strict chronological order for several reasons. First, the Bible is a collection of 66 different books written by over 40 authors over a period of around 1,500 years. These books include different genres and styles, from historical narratives to poetic songs, from prophetic writings to personal letters. Arranging such a diverse collection into one smooth chronological timeline would be nearly impossible. Second, the Bible is often arranged by topic or theme, rather than strict chronology. For example, the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis through Deuteronomy) are known as the Torah or…

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Biblical typology is the study of types and shadows that point to Christ in the Old Testament. A “type” is a person, event, or institution that foreshadows something greater in the future. The greater fulfillment is often referred to as the “antitype.” Biblical typology examines patterns laid out in Scripture that point forward to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Understanding typology helps illuminate the unity of the Bible as it reveals God’s redemptive plan across different eras of salvation history. Some key examples of typology in Scripture include: Adam as a type of Christ (Romans 5:14). Adam represented…

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The biblical accounts of Saul’s death in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel contain some differences that have led many to view them as contradictory. A close examination, however, reveals that they can be reasonably harmonized. Here is an overview of the key differences and some potential resolutions: 1 Samuel Account (1 Samuel 31:1-6) The 1 Samuel account reports that Saul died by falling on his own sword (suicide) during a battle against the Philistines on Mount Gilboa. Specifically, it states that Saul was critically wounded by Philistine archers and leaned on his spear for support. Then, rather than being abused…

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This is a common question that many have when considering the validity and reliability of the Bible. There are several lines of evidence that demonstrate that the Bible we have today is extremely faithful to the original writings. The Quantity and Quality of New Testament Manuscripts For the New Testament, we have over 5,800 partial or complete ancient Greek manuscripts. Several of these date within 150 years of the original writings. Compared to other ancient writings, this is an astounding amount. For example, for Caesar’s The Gallic Wars, there are only 10 ancient manuscripts and the oldest of those dates…

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Ushers play an important role in the church. They are responsible for welcoming people, assisting with seating, distributing bulletins, collecting offerings, and maintaining order and reverence during services. While the specific duties may vary between churches, ushers generally serve as hosts who facilitate worship and fellowship. Here is an overview of the biblical foundation and common responsibilities of church ushers. Biblical Basis for Ushers The Bible does not explicitly mention the role of ushers. However, there are some principles and examples that provide a basis for this ministry in the church. The following are some relevant passages: Romans 12:6-8 talks…

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Lasciviousness refers to unrestrained and excessive indulgence in sexual desires and activities. In the Bible, lasciviousness is condemned as a sin. Here is an in-depth look at what the Bible says about lasciviousness: Definitions of Lasciviousness The English word “lasciviousness” is translated from the Greek word “aselgeia” which means unbridled lust, excess, licentiousness, lasciviousness, wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness, and insolence. It refers to having an absence of restraint when it comes to sexuality and immoral sexual behavior. Lasciviousness involves doing things like looking lustfully at someone, using obscene language or telling dirty jokes, pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and other forms of…

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