Author: Tim Collings

Apollonius was a Greek philosopher who lived in the first century AD. He is mentioned briefly in the Bible, but not many details are provided about his life or teachings. Here is an overview of what the Bible tells us about Apollonius: Apollonius in the Book of Acts The only mention of Apollonius in the Bible is in Acts 18:24-28. This passage describes an encounter between Apollonius and two early Christian leaders, Priscilla and Aquila: Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures. He had been instructed…

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Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of capital goods, investments determined by private decision rather than state control, and prices, production, and the distribution of goods determined mainly by competition in a free market. While the Bible does not explicitly mention capitalism by name, as it is a relatively modern economic system, it does contain principles and lessons that can inform a Christian perspective on capitalism. The Bible affirms the right to private property and the accumulation of wealth through work, enterprise, and stewardship. Passages such as the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and the Parable…

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The Decian persecution refers to the persecution of Christians carried out under the reign of the Roman Emperor Decius in the early 3rd century AD. Decius issued an edict in 250 AD requiring all inhabitants of the empire to perform a sacrifice to the Roman gods and obtain a certificate (libellus) to prove they had done so. The edict was intended to restore Rome’s traditional religious practices and values amidst a period of military and political crisis. Christians were specifically targeted because their refusal to worship the Roman gods was seen as endangering the empire. The effects of the edict…

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Moral theology is the branch of theological ethics that studies the Christian life from the perspective of right and wrong actions and character development. It examines human acts in light of divine revelation, reason, and the human sciences in order to respond to the call for virtue and holiness. Moral theology aims to provide practical guidance for living the Christian life in a way that conforms to the moral teachings of Christ and the Church. At its core, moral theology is concerned with the morality of human acts. It considers the intentions behind actions, the circumstances surrounding them, and their…

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The Bible contains many numbers, from precise counts to more general estimates. Assessing the accuracy of these numbers is complex, since we lack sufficient historical records to definitively confirm or deny most biblical numbers. However, by examining the context, genre, and intent of various biblical passages, we can develop informed perspectives on the trustworthiness of numbers in Scripture. Some key considerations when evaluating numerical claims in the Bible: Ancient writing conventions – Ancient texts often used numbers symbolically or rhetorically, not always literally. Recognizing genre impacts how numbers should be interpreted. Multiple manuscript traditions – Differences between manuscripts sometimes include…

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Montanism was an early Christian movement of the late 2nd century that arose in Phrygia, a province of Asia Minor, and emphasized prophetic utterances believed to come directly from the Holy Spirit. The movement held that the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth promised in the Gospel of John, was speaking through the movement’s prophets to guide the church into all truth. It saw itself as bringing about the age of the Holy Spirit predicted by the Apostle Peter. Named after its founder Montanus, the movement spread rapidly to other regions in the Roman Empire during the lifetimes of Montanus and…

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What does the Bible say about coping/dealing with a terminal illness? Receiving a terminal diagnosis can be devastating and life-altering news. As a Christian facing the end of life, it is natural to wonder what God says about finding peace, comfort, and hope in Him through this difficult season. The Bible offers many truths and promises for those coping with terminal illness that can provide strength and encouragement along the journey. 1. God is with you in suffering One of the most comforting messages in Scripture is that as believers, we do not suffer alone. God promises to be present…

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Dogmatic theology is the study of the doctrines and dogmas of the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible. It seeks to systematize the teachings of Scripture into an ordered set of doctrines that can be affirmed and defended. At its core, dogmatic theology is concerned with articulating what the Bible teaches and why it matters. Some key aspects of dogmatic theology include: Biblical Basis – Dogmatic theology is grounded entirely in the Bible. All doctrines must have clear biblical support. There is no place for human speculation or extra-biblical sources. Scripture alone is the basis for doctrine. Systematization -…

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Historicism is a method of interpreting biblical prophecy that sees many prophecies as unfolding progressively throughout history. According to historicism, many prophecies in books like Daniel and Revelation symbolize major historical events, spanning from ancient times to the Second Coming of Christ. Some key aspects of the historicist view include: Timeline of History in Prophecy Historicists believe that books like Daniel and Revelation lay out a broad timeline of history, from ancient Babylon and Medo-Persia up through the rise of the Papacy, the Protestant Reformation, and other eras leading up to the end times. For example, historicists see the four…

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The Song of Moses is a song found in Deuteronomy 32:1-43 that was written by Moses towards the end of his life. It serves as a witness against the people of Israel and a reminder of God’s faithfulness and just character. The song can be broken down into five main sections: Introduction (32:1-3) Moses calls on creation itself to listen as he sings this song. He wants all the earth to hear the words that he is about to proclaim. This opening emphasizes the importance and significance of what is about to be said. God’s Faithfulness and Israel’s Ingratitude (32:4-18)…

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