Author: Tim Collings

Fideism is a philosophical view that emphasizes faith and trust in God over reason as the primary way to know religious truths. The word “fideism” comes from the Latin word “fides” meaning faith. Fideists argue that God transcends human reason and logical systems, therefore faith provides a better path to knowing God than rational proofs or arguments. Some key characteristics of fideism include: Faith is prioritized over reason Human reason is limited and flawed God’s existence and truths are known through faith rather than logic or evidence Skepticism towards natural theology (using reason to prove God’s existence) Belief that God…

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In the Old Testament, God provided the Israelites with a system of offerings and sacrifices that served as a way for people to atone for their sins and restore their relationship with God. Two key offerings were the trespass offering and the guilt offering. The trespass offering (also known as the guilt offering in some translations) was an offering brought by someone who had committed a trespass or sin against God. Trespasses included acts such as deceit, fraud, or theft against God or other people (Leviticus 6:1-7). The trespass offering functioned as a means to make restitution for the wrong…

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How should a Christian respond to being in a loveless marriage? Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman instituted by God, and Christians believe it should reflect Christ’s love for the church (Ephesians 5:25). However, many married couples struggle to maintain that self-sacrificial love over the long term. If the passion fades and they find themselves in a “loveless” marriage, it can be deeply painful. As Christians, how should we respond? The first step is to examine the reasons behind the loveless state of the marriage. There are often complex factors at play. It could be…

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Martyrdom is a complex concept in Christianity. At its core, it refers to the willingness to suffer or die for one’s faith in Christ. The Bible contains many examples of martyrs and discusses the concept from different angles. Here is an overview of some key biblical teachings on Christian martyrdom. Old Testament Background While the word “martyr” does not appear in the Old Testament, the concept is foreshadowed. God’s people were often persecuted for remaining faithful to Him instead of conforming to the surrounding pagan societies. Some specific examples include Daniel and his companions who were thrown into the fiery…

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The Bible does not give an exact number of how many angels there are, but it does indicate that there are vast multitudes of angels. Here is an overview of what the Bible reveals about the number of angels: Hundreds of Millions Daniel 7:10 indicates there are hundreds of millions of angels: “A stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” This verse describes a vision Daniel had of God on His throne, with countless angels ministering to Him and standing before Him. The…

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The tribe of Issachar was one of the twelve tribes of Israel descended from the sons of Jacob. Issachar was the ninth son of Jacob and the fifth son Jacob had with Leah (Genesis 30:17-18). The tribe of Issachar received an inheritance of land when the Israelites entered the Promised Land after the Exodus from Egypt (Joshua 19:17-23). The Bible mentions some key details about Issachar and his descendants that can provide valuable lessons for us today: They were known for their wisdom and understanding of the times 1 Chronicles 12:32 describes the men of Issachar as “men who had…

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The idea of selling one’s soul to the devil is a concept that has captured the imagination for centuries. But what does the Bible actually teach about this notion? Can a person truly sell their soul in exchange for money, fame, power, or other worldly enticements? Let’s explore what Scripture says. First, the Bible makes it clear that our souls belong to God, not to us (Ezekiel 18:4). As human beings created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27), our lives and souls are His property. We cannot sell something that does not actually belong to us. King David declared, “My flesh…

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The passage in Hosea 6:3 states “Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” This verse refers metaphorically to two rainy seasons in Israel – the early autumn rains and the late spring rains – and uses them to describe God’s faithful provision for His people. The Significance of the Autumn and Spring Rains in Israel The climate of Israel has two primary rainy seasons – the early autumn rains around October-November and…

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The phrase “contend for the faith” comes from Jude 1:3 which says “Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” This verse encourages believers to stand up for and defend the core doctrines and beliefs of Christianity. When we “contend for the faith,” we are protecting and fighting for the truth of the gospel message. This includes contending against false teachings, false prophets, and any doctrines that contradict biblical truth. As…

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The word “diadem” appears several times in the Bible, primarily in the Old Testament. A diadem was a type of crown or headpiece worn by kings and queens as a symbol of royalty and authority. Here is a comprehensive overview of the meaning and significance of diadem in the biblical context: Definition of Diadem The Hebrew word translated as “diadem” is צָנִיף (tsaniph) which refers to a headwrap or turban-like headdress. It was a piece of cloth wrapped around the head, sometimes hanging down the back. The diadem was often made of expensive, beautiful fabric and adorned with jewels and…

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