Author: Tim Collings

The phrase “strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered” comes from Zechariah 13:7 in the Bible. Here is the full verse: “Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, against the man who stands next to me,” declares the LORD Almighty. “Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, and I will turn my hand against the little ones.” This verse speaks prophetically about the coming crucifixion of Jesus Christ. When Jesus, the Good Shepherd, was struck down by death on the cross, his followers were scattered. After Jesus’ death, the disciples hid in fear, scattered and confused. But…

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The statements “Besides me there is no savior” found in Isaiah 43:11 and Hosea 13:4 emphasize that God alone is the only true Savior and source of salvation. This article will examine the context and meaning behind these verses to explain what God intends to communicate through them. The Context of Isaiah 43:11 Isaiah 43 comes amid prophecies relating to the restoration of Israel after the Babylonian exile. In verse 1, God promises to redeem and gather His people. Verses 5-7 describe God’s purpose to gather His children from the ends of the earth. God then reassures Israel of His…

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The topic of hell is one that often provokes strong reactions and opinions. Though not a pleasant subject, it is one that Jesus addressed directly during His earthly ministry. What exactly did Jesus teach about hell? A comprehensive look at the gospel accounts provides insight into this sobering doctrine. The Reality of Hell Jesus affirmed the reality of hell frequently throughout His teachings. He referred to it as a literal place of judgment for those who reject God. For example, in Matthew 13:40-42 Jesus taught that at the end of the age, “The Son of Man will send his angels,…

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Joseph Franklin Rutherford, commonly known as “Judge” Rutherford, was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, which is the main legal entity used to direct the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. He served as president from 1917 until his death in 1942. Rutherford was born on November 8, 1869 in Missouri. He was raised as a Baptist and became a trial lawyer. He was appointed as a special judge in Boonville, Missouri, which is how he earned the nickname “Judge” Rutherford. In 1894, he married Mary Malcolm Fetzer, who died in 1904. In 1907, he married Maria…

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The phrase “spoiled the Egyptians” in Exodus 12:36 refers to the Israelites asking the Egyptians for articles of silver, gold, and clothing as they were leaving Egypt after being enslaved for over 400 years. Here is the full verse: And the people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for they had asked the Egyptians for silver and gold jewelry and for clothing. The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they had given them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians. (Exodus 12:35-36 ESV) To understand this verse fully, we need…

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The J. B. Phillips translation of the Bible is an important modern English translation that was published in parts between 1947 and 1972. J. B. Phillips was the pen name of John Bertram Phillips (1906-1982), an Anglican clergyman who translated the New Testament and some Old Testament books into contemporary English. Here is an overview of the key features and history of the J. B. Phillips translation: Overview of the J.B. Phillips Translation J.B. Phillips sought to make the Bible more accessible to modern readers by translating it into the kind of English that people actually spoke and wrote in…

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Hymenaeus and Philetus were two false teachers mentioned together in 2 Timothy 2:17-18: “Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have swerved from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already happened. They are upsetting the faith of some.” Not much more is known about these two individuals beyond this reference, but we can gather some key details: 1. They were professing Christians who had “swerved from the truth” – They clearly identified as part of the Christian community, but had departed from sound doctrine and were teaching serious theological errors. 2. They denied the future bodily resurrection – Their…

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The Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) is a new Bible translation that was released in 2021 by Thomas Nelson and the Lockman Foundation. The LSB seeks to provide a word-for-word translation that is both readable and faithful to the original biblical languages. Here is an overview of the Legacy Standard Bible and what it offers: The Goal of the LSB Translation The main goal of the LSB is to be a modern English translation of the Bible that maintains a high degree of fidelity to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The translators sought to provide an accurate and readable…

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St. John of the Cross was a major figure of the Counter-Reformation in 16th century Spain. He was a Spanish mystic, Catholic saint, Carmelite friar and priest, born Juan de Yepes y Álvarez in 1542 in Fontiveros, Spain. John became a Carmelite friar at age 21, and was ordained a priest in 1567. He met Teresa of Ávila in 1567, and the two spearheaded the reform of the Carmelite order. John and Teresa founded the Discalced Carmelites for friars and nuns who wished to adopt a more austere and contemplative lifestyle. This reform met with much resistance within the Carmelite…

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The sacred pillars referred to in 2 Kings 17:10 were objects of idolatrous worship erected by the Israelites during the time of the divided kingdom. God had expressly forbidden the making and worshipping of idols, but the Israelites repeatedly disobeyed and adopted the idolatrous practices of the pagan nations around them. The pillars represented the syncretistic blending of Yahweh worship with Baal worship and other Canaanite religions. The pillars themselves likely represented false gods or set objects venerated in the place of the one true God. The erecting of pillars on high places and under green trees was tied to…

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