Author: Tim Collings

The Franciscans are members of Catholic religious orders founded by St. Francis of Assisi in the early 13th century. They strive to cultivate the ideals of poverty, charity, and humility as practiced by St. Francis and his early followers. There are several branches of Franciscans, including the Order of Friars Minor (Ordo Fratrum Minorum), the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, and the Third Order Secular of St. Francis. History of the Franciscans St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) was the son of a wealthy Italian merchant. As a young man, he lived a worldly…

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Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, and polymath. She is considered to be one of the most important figures of medieval theology and one of the greatest mystics of the Western tradition. Hildegard was a highly influential figure in her time and continues to inspire people today with her profound wisdom and spirituality. According to biblical accounts, Hildegard was born in 1098 in Bermersheim, near Alzey, to a noble family. From a very young age, she claimed to have visions of luminous objects and flashes of light, but kept these experiences…

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Old Testament theology is the study of the messages and themes of the Old Testament books of the Bible. It looks at how God is revealed in the Old Testament, the nature of his interactions with humanity, his purposes and plans, the covenants he made, and the progression of redemptive history that culminates in Jesus Christ. Here is an overview of some key elements of Old Testament theology: God’s Nature and Character The Old Testament reveals much about who God is. He is presented as the one true Creator God, all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, holy, righteous, just, loving, merciful, faithful, and…

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New Testament theology is the study of the message and theology found in the New Testament writings. The New Testament contains 27 books written by nine different authors over the course of approximately 50 years. These books tell the story of Jesus Christ, the early Christian church, and the theological themes and doctrines that developed in the decades following Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Some key aspects of New Testament theology include: Christology – Study of the nature, person, and work of Jesus Christ. Major themes include Jesus as Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man, sacrificial lamb, risen Lord,…

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The question of when human life begins is central to the debate over abortion. Those who believe that life begins at conception often cite passages from the Bible to support their position. An examination of Scripture reveals that the Bible does not definitively state when life begins. However, there are verses that can be interpreted as lending support to the idea that life begins at conception. In Psalm 139:13, David says to God, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” This verse indicates that God is actively involved in the creation of a…

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Joel Osteen is an American pastor, televangelist, and author who serves as the senior pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. With over 4 million viewers in over 100 countries, Osteen’s televised sermons are among the most watched Christian programs in the world. He is also a New York Times best-selling author of books such as Your Best Life Now and Become a Better You. Osteen preaches what has been dubbed the “prosperity gospel,” which emphasizes personal happiness and financial prosperity as God’s will for all believers. This teaching holds that through faith and positive speech, Christians can obtain material…

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Ezekiel 22:30 states, “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, so that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” This verse comes in the context of God speaking judgment against Jerusalem for its horrendous sins. God was seeking for someone to “stand in the gap” and intercede for the people, so His judgment would be averted. But He found no one to intercede. So what does it mean to “stand in the gap?” 1. To stand in the gap…

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The Bible has a lot to say about God’s heart for rescuing people from the destructive consequences of sin. Throughout Scripture, we see God intervening to deliver people from hardship, oppression, slavery, and death – all of which entered the world because of the Fall in Genesis 3. However, the Bible also makes it clear that there are natural consequences for sinful choices and actions that cannot simply be waived. Walking in obedience and faith is the path to life and blessing, while disobedience and unbelief lead to hardship and discipline from the Lord (Deuteronomy 28). Here are some key…

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This is an important question for Christians to understand. The phrase “filthy rags” comes from Isaiah 64:6, which says: “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” This verse teaches that even our most righteous deeds are worthless for earning salvation. Our good works cannot save us or make us right before God. But why is that? The Problem of Sin The reason our righteous acts are like filthy rags is because of…

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The Council of Hippo was an important church council that took place in 393 AD in the city of Hippo Regius in northern Africa. This council was convened by St. Augustine, the bishop of Hippo, along with other North African bishops. The main purpose of this council was to regulate the faith and discipline of the church in North Africa. Some key outcomes and events from the Council of Hippo include: Establishing the Canon of Scripture One of the most significant acts of the Council of Hippo was establishing the canon of Scripture for the Catholic Church. At this time…

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