Author: Tim Collings

Being a woman of God means dedicating one’s life to following and serving God. It involves having a personal relationship with God, obeying His Word, and living according to His standards as outlined in the Bible. Here is a more in-depth look at what the Bible says about how to be a godly woman and follower of Christ. Developing a Close Relationship with God At the core of being a woman of God is having an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This starts by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior (John 3:16). Once we are saved, we are called…

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The phrase “ancient paths” in Jeremiah 6:16 refers to following God’s original instructions and ways He set out for His people. After years of Israel rebelling and turning away from God, He urged them through the prophet Jeremiah to return to the “ancient paths” where the good way is so they can find rest for their souls. In Jeremiah’s time, the people of Judah had strayed far from God’s laws and instructions. They were worshipping idols, committing injustice, and living in open rebellion against God. Through Jeremiah, God confronted their sin and called them to repent and return to Him.…

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Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the biblical figure of Lucifer, who is often seen as a symbol of enlightenment, knowledge, and human progression. The term “Luciferianism” comes from the Latin name “Lucifer”, meaning “light-bringer”, which is a name sometimes given to Satan in Christian theology. However, Luciferians generally do not worship Satan or the Devil, but instead view Lucifer as a positive archetype who represents reason, knowledge, and enlightenment. There are several key beliefs in Luciferianism: Lucifer represents human intellect, enlightenment, and questioning of religious authority. Rather than being evil, Lucifer is seen as a liberator who encourages…

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Why Should I Not Commit Suicide? Suicide is a tragic action that deeply impacts not only the person who takes their own life, but also their loved ones left behind. As Christians, we believe that life is a precious gift from God and that He has a purpose for each one of us during our time on earth (Jeremiah 29:11). Even in the midst of deep despair, there are always alternatives to suicide that allow space for hope and healing. Here are several reasons why suicide should be avoided from a biblical perspective: 1. Human life is sacred The Bible…

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Peter Abelard was a French philosopher, theologian, and logician who lived from 1079 to 1142 AD. He was one of the most influential thinkers of the 12th century and is considered a pioneer of scholasticism, which sought to reconcile faith with reason through the systematic analysis of theology. Abelard is best known for his contributions to logic, ethics, theology, and the philosophy of language. Some key facts about his life and work: Born in Le Pallet in Brittany, he rejected his father’s wish for him to become a knight and instead dedicated himself to scholarship. He studied dialectic (logic) under…

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In a world filled with material possessions and fleeting pleasures, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The Bible provides timeless wisdom on the things in this life that have enduring, eternal value. According to Scripture, one’s relationship with God is of utmost importance. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). An intimate, personal connection with the Creator gives life meaning and purpose. God desires for us to know Him and walk in His ways…

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Gregory of Nyssa was an influential 4th century bishop and theologian who made important contributions to the development of early Christian doctrine and philosophy. He is venerated as a saint in both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions. Gregory was one of the three Cappadocian Fathers, along with his older brother Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzus. The Cappadocian Fathers were instrumental in shaping the theology adopted by the First Council of Constantinople in 381, which helped establish the doctrine of the Trinity as orthodox teaching. Gregory was born around 335 AD in Caesarea, the capital of Cappadocia (located…

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Nomism comes from the Greek word nomos, meaning “law.” In theology, nomism refers to the view that obedience to moral law, especially as found in the Old Testament or Torah, is necessary for salvation. This view sees law-keeping as a prerequisite for justification and right standing before God. The opposite view is antinomianism, which believes that faith alone is sufficient for salvation apart from obedience to law. Throughout church history, there has been debate over the relationship between law and gospel – the roles of God’s grace versus human effort in salvation. Old Testament Law In the Old Testament, God…

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The Bible does not explicitly state whether Jesus traveled to India during his lifetime. However, some scholars have speculated that Jesus may have visited India between his adolescence and the start of his public ministry around age 30. The Bible is mostly silent about this period of Jesus’ life, which has led to much debate among historians and theologians. There are a few key theories about the possibility of Jesus visiting India: The Unknown Years Theory The Gospels only record Jesus’ birth and then his appearance as an adult at around 30 years old to begin his ministry. This has…

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A succubus is a demonic spirit that is mentioned a few times in the Bible. The word “succubus” comes from Late Latin meaning “to lie under.” A succubus is a female demon that will have sexual intercourse with men while they sleep. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about succubi and other related spirits. References to Succubi in the Bible The Bible does not directly use the word “succubus,” but there are a few passages that refer to spirits that have succubus-like qualities and behaviors. One example is in Genesis 6:1-4 which describes the “sons of God”…

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